Java Swing: flyweight vs new windows

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-02 04:09:39

JTable rendering already uses the flyweight pattern, so a one column table is ideal for selection. A custom renderer can display an arbitrary thumbnail representation, while a ListSelectionListener can display arbitrary detail in an adjacent container. In the TableModel, consider an LRU cache if the individual data records are consuming too much memory.

As always with performance questions, prototype and profile.

As long as you don't attempt to hold more data than fits the heap reasonably, performance will be a non-issue nowadays (unless you do something exceptionally bad you will not notice any performance difference from the user perspective).

That said, unless you have pressing reason to hold on to GUI's you currently don't need - just let them get GC'd and recreate them as needed. The create-throw-away after one use approach is more flexible when the application needs to be modified and bears less opportunities for memory leaks.

As for the GUI design aspect, many people absolutely hate popups. They can also interfere with focus management/keyboard usage. But it still depends on which kind of control flow you need. Side menu bar is fine for many purposes.

I'd like to point out that the side menu is just a fancy reinvention of Tabbed Pane (which is a standard component you wouldn't need to implement yourself). Also, if things need to be done in a specific order - a Wizard like approach can also be a good choice (one Window that changes contents with each step completed).
