Jquery: Preload an image on request with a callback function?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-02 03:42:36

Preloading images can be done using following code:

$('<img/'>,{'src': image_source});

As we can also use the load event on images, we can have an callback when one image is done; To solve the issue to fire a callback after four images is loaded, we would need some kind of counter.

Perhaps following code might work (untested):

var preloadImages = function(image_links, callback) {
  var self = this;
  // assume image_links is an array here
  var count = image_links.length;
  $.each( image_links, function(){
    $('<img/>', {
      'src': this, // url
      'load': function(){
        if( --count == 0 ) {