For example I have a document below for collection = delivery:
"doc": [
"docid": "15",
"deliverynum": "123",
"text": "txxxxxx",
"date": "2019-07-18T12:37:58Z"
"docid": "16",
"deliverynum": "456",
"text": "txxxxxx",
"date": "2019-07-18T12:37:58Z"
"docid": "17",
"deliverynum": "999",
"text": "txxxxxx",
"date": "2019-07-18T12:37:58Z"
"id": "123",
"cancelled": false
is it possible to do a search with "deliverynum" = 999 and the output would be like below?
"doc": [
"docid": "17",
"deliverynum": "999",
"text": "txxxxxx",
"date": "2019-07-18T12:37:58Z"
"id": "123",
"cancelled": false
or should I make another Collection just for the Doc part?
I am having trouble making a query in C# for this kind of scenario.
In Mongo shell you can use the $(projection) operator:
db.collection.find({ "doc.deliverynum": "999" }, { "doc.$": 1 })
Corresponding C# code can look like below:
var q = Builders<Model>.Filter.ElemMatch(x => x.doc, d => d.deliverynum == "999");
var p = Builders<Model>.Projection.ElemMatch(x => x.doc, d => d.deliverynum == "999");
var data = Col.Find(q).Project(p).ToList();
You can also use q = Builders<Model>.Filter.Empty
if you want to get all documents even if the don't contain deliverynum =``999