Inconsistent Generator directive column behavior in boost karma

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-02 01:56:10

I think this comes close to what you want to achieve. Like I said, the last (incomplete) run will still be "terminated" with an nth_delimiter tag:

Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/nview.hpp>

namespace client {
    struct employee
        int num;
        std::string datatype;
        std::string dataname;
        std::string inputicon;

    typedef std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> iterator_type;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(client::employee, /*num,*/ datatype, dataname, inputicon)

int main() {
    // some employees
    std::vector<client::employee> const employees {
        { 25, "int",    "sra_command","fa fa-wrench" },
        { 26, "float",  "swt_command","fa fa-wrench" },
        { 27, "double", "msc_command","fa fa-mobile" },
        { 28, "int",    "sra_command","fa fa-wrench" },
        { 29, "float",  "swt_command","fa fa-wrench" },
        { 30, "double", "msc_command","fa fa-mobile" },
        { 31, "int",    "sra_command","fa fa-wrench" },
        { 32, "float",  "swt_command","fa fa-wrench" },
        { 33, "double", "msc_command","fa fa-mobile" },

    // now print them all
    std::string generated;
        using namespace boost::spirit::karma;

        using Sink = client::iterator_type;
        //using Attr = boost::fusion::result_of::as_nview<client::employee const, 1, 2, 3>::type;
        using Attr = client::employee;
        rule<Sink, Attr()> small_box  = "<B>" << string << "<1>" << string << "<2>" << string << "<3>";

        generate(Sink(generated), columns(2, "<nth_delimiter>\n") [+small_box], employees);

    std::cout << generated << std::endl;


<B>int<1>sra_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3><B>float<1>swt_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3><nth_delimiter>
<B>double<1>msc_command<2>fa fa-mobile<3><B>int<1>sra_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3><nth_delimiter>
<B>float<1>swt_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3><B>double<1>msc_command<2>fa fa-mobile<3><nth_delimiter>
<B>int<1>sra_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3><B>float<1>swt_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3><nth_delimiter>
<B>double<1>msc_command<2>fa fa-mobile<3><nth_delimiter>


The problem with smallbox % eol is that smallbox is an element, and eol too:

    generate(Sink(generated), columns(4, "<nth_delimiter>") [small_box % eol], employees);

Live On Coliru

<B>int<1>sra_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3>
<B>float<1>swt_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3>
<nth_delimiter><B>double<1>msc_command<2>fa fa-mobile<3>
<B>int<1>sra_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3>
<nth_delimiter><B>float<1>swt_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3>
<B>double<1>msc_command<2>fa fa-mobile<3>
<nth_delimiter><B>int<1>sra_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3>
<B>float<1>swt_command<2>fa fa-wrench<3>
<nth_delimiter><B>double<1>msc_command<2>fa fa-mobile<3><nth_delimiter>