I have managed to create 2 lists from text documents. The first is my bi-gram list:
keywords = ['nike shoes','nike clothing', 'nike black', 'nike white']
and a list of stop words:
stops = ['clothing','black','white']
I want to remove the Stops from my Keywords list. Using the above example, the output I am after should look like this:
new_keywords = ['nike shoes','nike', 'nike', 'nike'] --> eventually I'd like to remove those dupes.
This is what I've done so far:
keywords = open("keywords.txt", "r")
new_keywords = keywords.read().split(",")
stops = open("stops.txt","r")
new_stops = stops.read().split(",")
[i for i in new_keywords if i not in new_stops]
The problem I am having is that it is looking for the 2 words combos rather than the single word stops....
You can do it in steps. First define a helper function:
def removeStop(bigram, stops):
return ' '.join(w for w in bigram.split() if not w in stops)
And then:
[removeStop(i,new_stops) for i in new_keywords]
assuming you have the 2 lists this will do what you want:
new_keywords = []
for k in keywords:
temp = False
for s in stops:
if s in k:
temp = True
if temp == False:
This will create a list like you posted:
['nike shoes', 'nike ', 'nike ', 'nike ']
To eliminate the doubles do this:
new_keywords = list(set(new_keywords))
So the final list looks like this:
['nike shoes', 'nike ']