I wanted to run a jenkins job by accepting a date field (in format YYYY-MM-DD) from user. I found a link where user can enter a string parameter:
job('example') { parameters { stringParam('myParameterName', 'my default stringParam value', 'my description') } }
But in string param user can enter any thing. So how do I force user to enter a date field like a calender field and select date from the calender ?
There seems to be no plugin which provides a date chooser.
But you can use the Validating String Parameter Plugin, which can use a regular expression to validate a string parameter. See Regex to validate date format dd/mm/yyyy for regular expressions matching date values.
The Job DSL plugin has no built-in support for the Validating String Parameter Plugin, but you can use a Configure Block to add the relevant config XML.
job('example') {
configure { project ->
project / 'properties' / 'hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty' / parameterDefinitions << 'hudson.plugins.validating__string__parameter.ValidatingStringParameterDefinition' {
description('date in YYYY-MM-DD format')
failedValidationMessage('Enter a YYYY-MM-DD date value!')