promise with loop and file read in nodejs

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-02 00:46:24

The technique you're looking for is thenable chaining

var p= Q();
  p = p.then(function(){ // chain the next one
    return Q.nfcall(fs.readFile, files[key].path, "binary", i). // readfile
      then(function (content) { // process content and save
        files.filename =  files[key].name;
        files.path = files[key].path;
        files.content_type = files[key].type;
        files.size = files[key].size;
        files.content = binaryToBase64(content);
        return Q.npost(, art); // wait for save, update as needed

Basically, we tell each operation to happen after the previous one has finished by chaining them and returning which causes a wait on the asynchronous value.

As a byproduct you can later use

    // all done, access last here

The handler will run when all the promises are done.

I have updated the code with Q.all as the mentioned p.then will execute only once.

 form.parse(req, function(err, fields, files) {
    var p = Q();
    Object.keys(files).forEach(function (key) {
        promises.push(p.then(function () { // chain the next one
            return Q.nfcall(fs.readFile, files[key].path, "binary"). // readfile
                then(function (content) { // process content and save
                   file = {};
                    file.filename = files[key].name;
                    file.path = files[key].path;
                    file.content_type = files[key].type;
                    file.size = files[key].size;
                    file.content = binaryToBase64(content);
                   // Q.npost(, art); // wait for save, update as needed


the question is how to use q.npost if i have mongoose model files and want to save...?
