I have the two blocks of code that I would like to think are equal:
Then the exact same but converted to switch case over types. (sorry for bad Resharper red squiggly markers, Resharper doesnt understand this yet)
The switch based code will throw a Null reference exception on the first return Actor.Done
which is not null.
Is this a pattern match bug or is there some semantics that I am missing here?
[edit] I've found a fix for it..
Changing this:
case MessageEnvelope env:
case MessageEnvelope _:
var env = m as MessageEnvelope;
Makes it all work. So that leaves me with the question, arn't those lines supposed to be exctly the same?
This is a known bug when you capture (in a lambda) a pattern variable that was declared in a switch statement. See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/16066