Converting Object of SuperClass to Sub Class

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 23:54:51


I have some Code like this.

Super Class

public class Actual {
    public int x = 123;

Sub classes

public class Super extends Actual{
    public int x = 999;
    public int y = 12345;

public class Sub extends Super {
    public int x = 144;

so Question is Can i convert Object of Super Class into the Sub class? is this Right for this Question what i have tried?

public class Mid1Prob1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 3;
        Actual actual = new Super();

        Super super1 = new Super();

        Actual act = new Actual();

        act = new Sub();

but its giving Class Cast exception.


You can cast Child classes to Super classes but not vice versa. If Vehicle is Super Class and Car is a Subclass then all Cars (Child) is a Vehicle (Super) but not all Vehicle is a Car.


Can i convert Object of Super Class into the Sub class?

No, You can do it other way only. You can assign a sub class object to super class reference only.

Reason for it is, sub class can have more functionality and more specific to a problem. If you are allowed to case a super class object to sub class, then how that super class object will get those sub class functionality?


There were no possibility to do that. You can only have sth like this. Actual s = new Super(); or Super sp = new Super(); or Actual a = new Actual(); There are no other possibilities. Only that assigment might not throw classcast Exception.


These are the only way to create object of your super class and sub class :

Actual act = new Actual();
Actual actual = new Super();
Actual actual2 = new Sub();

Super super1 = new Super();
Super super2 = new Sub();

Sub sub = new Sub();  

There is no other way. If your tried it will give you compile time error to cast your class OR give run time error java.lang.ClassCastException.

