

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-04-06 20:17:38
最近做一个程序自动安装的工具,在win8下面是没有问题的,但是在Win7下面就会被提示“这个程序可能安装不正确”,用管理员权限运行也不行。于是Google之,发现一段解释(来自于stackoverflow的一位ID是user876725的网友): I ran into the same error message when running a new Qt based app I built. Same symptoms - would get this 'helpful' message after the .exe closed, no matter what the program did. Now I have various qt app projects, all built the exactly the same way. And none of the others do this. I finally figured out that this error was caused solely by the fact that I had named this particular project 'installer'. I had ended up with a binary 'installer.exe' and it would have no doubt