几个性能测试工具 我个人认为一个优秀的软件工程师必须掌握一定的测试技能。可能有的开发工程师认为测试是测试工程师的事情,不是开发工程师的事情。这种开发工程师是缺一条腿的,离开了测试工程师,你如何证明你的程序没有问题。 下面是我这两天搜集的性能测试工具,如果大家知道别的工具,可以在回复中分享出来。 Web Bench Web Bench is very simple tool for benchmarking WWW or proxy servers. Uses fork() for simulating multiple clients and can use HTTP/0.9-HTTP/1.1 requests. This benchmark is not very realistic, but it can test if your HTTPD can realy handle that many clients at once (try to run some CGIs) without taking your machine down. Displays pages/min and bytes/sec. Can be used in more aggressive mode with -f switch. Web Bench是一个简单的web或者web代理服务的基准测试工具。