

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-04-25 18:43:42
1.1 SafeSEH内存保护机制 1.1.1 Windows异常处理机制 Windows中主要两种异常处理机制,Windows异常处理(VEH、SEH)和C++异常处理。Windows异常处理结构未公开的,包含向量化结构异常VEH及结构化异常处理SEH。由操作系统提供的服务,当一个线程出现错误时,操作系统调用用户定义的一个回调函数_exept_handler。回调函数接收到操作系统传递过来的许多有价值的信息,例如异常的类型和发生的地址。使用这些信息,异常回调函数就能决定下一步做什么。 C++异常处理是C++语言的特性,在Windows平台上由系统提供支持。 Windows异常处理顺序流程 l 终止当前程序的执行 l 调试器(进程必须被调试,向调试器发送EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT消息) l 执行VEH l 执行SEH l TopLevelEH(进程被调试时不会被执行) l 执行VEH l 交给调试器(上面的异常处理都说处理不了,就再次交给调试器) l 调用异常端口通知csrss.exe 1.1.2 SafeSEH工作原理 异常处理链(SEH)结构在通过SHE链绕过/GS中已经介绍过了,这里接直接说safeSEH了, i. SafeSEH工作流程: ii. RtlIsVaildHandler() 函数校验流程: 1.1.3 SafeSEH绕过思路 那么有3种情况

Navicat 密码加密算法

房东的猫 提交于 2020-04-13 14:33:45
【今日推荐】:为什么一到面试就懵逼!>>> How Does Navicat Encrypt Password? This repo will tell you how Navicat encrypts password and offer a tool to reveal passwords encrypted by Navicat. 1. What is Navicat? Navicat is a series of graphical database management and development software produced by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd. for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. It has an Explorer-like graphical user interface and supports multiple database connections for local and remote databases. Its design is made to meet the needs of a variety of audiences, from database administrators and

Navicat 密码加密算法

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-04-13 09:09:27
How Does Navicat Encrypt Password? This repo will tell you how Navicat encrypts password and offer a tool to reveal passwords encrypted by Navicat. 1. What is Navicat? Navicat is a series of graphical database management and development software produced by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd. for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. It has an Explorer-like graphical user interface and supports multiple database connections for local and remote databases. Its design is made to meet the needs of a variety of audiences, from database administrators and programmers to

Navicat 密码加密算法

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-04-13 07:48:14
原文: Navicat 密码加密算法 How Does Navicat Encrypt Password? This repo will tell you how Navicat encrypts password and offer a tool to reveal passwords encrypted by Navicat. 1. What is Navicat? Navicat is a series of graphical database management and development software produced by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd. for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. It has an Explorer-like graphical user interface and supports multiple database connections for local and remote databases. Its design is made to meet the needs of a variety of audiences, from database administrators and


我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-04-07 05:03:06
X3DStudio 编辑器的界面可分为【菜单栏】、【属性栏】、【显示栏】和【对象信息栏】四大部分。如下图所示。 X3D.Engine 通用虚拟现实引擎安装包下载地址: http://www.x3dengine.cn/Download.aspx 技术支持QQ群:105315485 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/218563/blog/38238

How can I trigger JavaScript in a VRML Anchor—is it possible to use an Event Listener?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-02-26 00:53:49
问题 I'm using the X_ITE javascript-WebGL library to display a legacy VRML project in modern browsers. Anchors in the VRML code currently open HTML files in separate windows (on the same domain) like this: Anchor { url "javascript: window.open('./data/583.html' other_stuff…)" description etc.… } or by calling a function and passing the relevant argument: url "javascript: showInfo('583')" Both produce CORS errors, which I can get around by simply opening the URL: url "data/583.html" However,

Integrate Angular and X3D (render a simple box)

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-17 06:41:34
问题 I am a complete newbie in web development, and I am completely lost. I have downloaded the Angular Quickstart used in the Angular tutorial (https://github.com/angular/quickstart) and now I want to insert a simple x3d element. To do so, I have modified the files app.module.ts , app.component.ts and index.html . The modified file app.module.ts is: import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';` import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { AppComponent } from

x3d import and export nodes from inline url

北城余情 提交于 2020-01-06 15:29:05
问题 I need to get access to nodes from an inline x3d file in a parent x3d file. For example, say we have a room model as an x3d file. We populate this room with several chairs. We use the inline url to populate room.x3d with several chair.x3d files. We've got something like this inside the room.x3d file to place chairs: <Transform DEF = 'Chair' translation = '0 0 0' scale = '1 1 1' rotation='-0.600546 0.600546 90 0'> <Inline DEF ='chr' url = 'Chair.x3d' /> </Transform> Now, I need to get access

Adding an IndexedLineSet in X3Dom

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-25 09:24:30
问题 When working with X3D via X3Dom, sometimes I'd like to add objects dynamically. As an example, I might have a function like the following to add a line: function add_line(lineString) { var lineString = lineString || random_line(); var orbit = $("<shape></shape>"); scene.append(orbit); var indexedLineSet = $("<IndexedLineSet></IndexedLineSet>"); orbit.append(indexedLineSet).attr('coordIndex', '0 1'); var coordinate = $("<coordinate></coordinate>"); coordinate.attr('point', lineString);

Angular and X3D integration: strange behaviour

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-12 04:15:47
问题 I have found some behaviour of an x3d inserted in an Angular (version 4) component which I think is really strange. I have created an Angular project with the following structure: x3d_and_angular/ app/ home/ home.component.css home.component.html home.component.ts index.ts viewer/ viewer.component.css viewer.component.html viewer.component.ts index.ts app.component.html app.component.ts app.module.ts app.routing.ts main.ts app.css index.html package.json red_box.x3d sysytemjs.config.js I