
Appium robotframework-appium (ios 客户端测试)环境搭建

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-14 17:48:33
一、 简介 1.1摘要 本人测试新人,最近在搞ios客户端的自动化,准备采用robotframework-appium来实现自动化测试,一边学习一边总结,此安装说明文档是基于mac系统10.11版本,第一次发经验贴,说明中如有错误纰漏请不吝指教。 —————以下属个人理解,有错误请各位指正,想直接进入主题的,请直接跳到1.2章节———— 安装Robotframework-Appium框架,大致划分为三个部分(1)基础软件的安装,主要包括Xcode,ios模拟器,command line tools等(2)Appium的安装(3)robotframework的安装。一般来说安装好(1),(2)就可以进行自动化测试,具体的方式是写自动化测试脚本(可采用python,java等语言,脚本中包含测试用例实现步骤的代码以及对每一个测试case的断言)通过appium server去驱动模拟器/真机中的app,执行所编写的测试用例并进行判断。 目前robotframework比较热门,主要它相对上面提到的方式个人感觉主要有两点优势:(1)编写测试用例简单化,基本不需要写代码。rf框架采用“关键字”方式编写测试用例,比如它把“向某文本框中输入文本”这一个本来需要写几行代码的实现的过程封装成关键字“文本框输入文本”(在此只是举例,具体关键字的名字需要查询),这样我们直接调用该关键字

Finding certain child in wxTreeCtrl and updating TreeCtrl in wxPython

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 15:19:17
问题 How can I check if a certain root in a wx.TreeCtrl object has a certain child or not? I am writing manual functions to update TreeCtrl every time a child is added by user.Is there a way to automate this? 回答1: You might want to consider storing the data in some other easily-searchable structure, and using the TreeCtrl just to display it. Otherwise, you can iterate over the children of a TreeCtrl root item like this: def item_exists(tree, match, root): item, cookie = tree.GetFirstChild(root)

Finding certain child in wxTreeCtrl and updating TreeCtrl in wxPython

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-02-11 15:15:50
问题 How can I check if a certain root in a wx.TreeCtrl object has a certain child or not? I am writing manual functions to update TreeCtrl every time a child is added by user.Is there a way to automate this? 回答1: You might want to consider storing the data in some other easily-searchable structure, and using the TreeCtrl just to display it. Otherwise, you can iterate over the children of a TreeCtrl root item like this: def item_exists(tree, match, root): item, cookie = tree.GetFirstChild(root)

Integrating Plotly inside WxPython

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-11 12:43:53
问题 Plotly says it is a web library. Matplotlib does support Wxpython but comparatively, it is too low level. Is there any way to integrate Plotly inside a Wxpython GUI or are there any alternative for it? 回答1: You might be able to use Plotly's ability to export plots to images to get the plots into wxPython: https://plot.ly/python/offline/#static-image-export If you need the live plotting though, then you will need to use Webview: https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/docs/html/wx.html2.WebView.html I

Integrating Plotly inside WxPython

允我心安 提交于 2021-02-11 12:43:39
问题 Plotly says it is a web library. Matplotlib does support Wxpython but comparatively, it is too low level. Is there any way to integrate Plotly inside a Wxpython GUI or are there any alternative for it? 回答1: You might be able to use Plotly's ability to export plots to images to get the plots into wxPython: https://plot.ly/python/offline/#static-image-export If you need the live plotting though, then you will need to use Webview: https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/docs/html/wx.html2.WebView.html I

Creating multiple instances of wx.App - is it ok?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-11 06:18:40
问题 so I need to implement a following scenario: - Several tasks are running simultaneously as processes. - Each task should display a progress bar with a "Cancel" button, clicking on which should terminate it. To achieve responsive GUI, I run the task for each process in a separate thread, and it seems that I need to create a separate wx.App for each process as well, otherwise the thread seems to be not running. This setup works fine, however: a) I am not sure whether multiple wx.App 's is a

Creating multiple instances of wx.App - is it ok?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-11 06:18:26
问题 so I need to implement a following scenario: - Several tasks are running simultaneously as processes. - Each task should display a progress bar with a "Cancel" button, clicking on which should terminate it. To achieve responsive GUI, I run the task for each process in a separate thread, and it seems that I need to create a separate wx.App for each process as well, otherwise the thread seems to be not running. This setup works fine, however: a) I am not sure whether multiple wx.App 's is a

Execute external application and send some key events to it

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-09 11:09:15
问题 I wasn't able to find a solution for Python. I am abelt o launch the application (using subprocess.Popen or subprocess.call), but I can't find a way to do the other part: I want to send a serie of keys (kind of macro) to the application I just opened. Like: Tab Tab Enter Tab Tab Delete ... Is there a way to do this that is Mac and PC compatible ? Or, in case not, only PC ? Thanks for your help, Basil PS. I know there are some application to automate some keys event, but I want to make my own.

Execute external application and send some key events to it

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-09 11:01:08
问题 I wasn't able to find a solution for Python. I am abelt o launch the application (using subprocess.Popen or subprocess.call), but I can't find a way to do the other part: I want to send a serie of keys (kind of macro) to the application I just opened. Like: Tab Tab Enter Tab Tab Delete ... Is there a way to do this that is Mac and PC compatible ? Or, in case not, only PC ? Thanks for your help, Basil PS. I know there are some application to automate some keys event, but I want to make my own.

How to make a wx window parent of another application's window?

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-08 09:35:20
问题 I wish to know how to make another's application window be a parent to my wx window. I know that it is possible because twain module does just that. For instance, you can pass in pygame.display's handle and it will act as a parent of scanning dialog that will appear. You can give it a handle of your Tk() or wx.Frame() directly (but it will grab out only the handle number anyway). Or you can pass in a handle of completely different application, notepad for example. I would like to achieve this