
WTForms RadioField default values

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-18 20:11:43
问题 I'm generating a html form with wtforms like this: <div class="control-group"> {% for subfield in form.time_offset %} <label class="radio"> {{ subfield }} {{ subfield.label }} </label> {% endfor %} </div> My form class is like this: class SN4639(Form): time_offset = RadioField(u'Label', choices=[ ('2', u'Check when Daylight saving has begun, UTC+02:00'), ('1', u'Check when Daylight saving has stopped, UTC+01:00')], default=2, validators=[Required()]) When I now open the edit form, I get via

WTForms RadioField default values

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-18 20:11:27
问题 I'm generating a html form with wtforms like this: <div class="control-group"> {% for subfield in form.time_offset %} <label class="radio"> {{ subfield }} {{ subfield.label }} </label> {% endfor %} </div> My form class is like this: class SN4639(Form): time_offset = RadioField(u'Label', choices=[ ('2', u'Check when Daylight saving has begun, UTC+02:00'), ('1', u'Check when Daylight saving has stopped, UTC+01:00')], default=2, validators=[Required()]) When I now open the edit form, I get via


独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-13 05:27:30
Flask基础 Flask基础使用与配置 Flask路由系统与模板系统 Flask视图函数 Flask请求与响应 Flask的session操作 Flask中间件 Flask连接数据库 Flask使用原生SQL连接Mysql数据库数据池 Flask使用SQLAlchemy连接mysql SQLALchemy的其他常用操作 Flask第三方组件 Flask-SQLAlchemy WTForms flask-session flask-script flask-migrate pipreqs(自动生成需要导入的模块信息) virtualenv(虚拟环境) 信号 来源: oschina 链接:

Flask WTForms BooleanField UnboundField

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-11 12:32:22
问题 I am writing a script that normally retrieves 5 lines from the database and I want to display it as a checkbox list. But it doesn't display correctly: it says " UnboundField " class ExampleForm(FlaskForm): [...query & results...] for line in results_sql: list_checkbox[line.label] = BooleanField(line.label) @bp.route('/example') def example(): form = ExampleForm() return render_template("index.html", form=form) index.html <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed"> {

Flask / Python / WTForms validation and dynamically set SelectField choices

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-10 16:00:06
问题 I'm trying to create a simple Flask / Python one page web app that uses dynamically created choices for a SelectField. However, I can't get it to POST using dynamically created choices, and there's also some funny validation behaviour going on (will explain after the code) I created a minimum failing example here: from flask import Flask, render_template, flash, redirect from flask_wtf import Form from wtforms import IntegerField, SubmitField, SelectField from wtforms.validators import

Flask / Python / WTForms validation and dynamically set SelectField choices

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-10 15:59:06
问题 I'm trying to create a simple Flask / Python one page web app that uses dynamically created choices for a SelectField. However, I can't get it to POST using dynamically created choices, and there's also some funny validation behaviour going on (will explain after the code) I created a minimum failing example here: from flask import Flask, render_template, flash, redirect from flask_wtf import Form from wtforms import IntegerField, SubmitField, SelectField from wtforms.validators import

wtforms SelectField with dynamic choices always returns “none” for data

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-10 15:08:17
问题 I am new to wtforms. I have to provide user with list of fruits and cost of each fruit as shown below, Total number of fruits are dynamically generated and each fruit prices is also dynamically generated. Below is my declaration, from import Form class SelectForm(Form): def __init__(self, csrf_enabled=False, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectForm, self).__init__(csrf_enabled=csrf_enabled, *args, **kwargs) fruits_list = wtforms.FieldList( wtforms.SelectField('fruits', validators =

wtforms SelectField with dynamic choices always returns “none” for data

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-10 15:02:21
问题 I am new to wtforms. I have to provide user with list of fruits and cost of each fruit as shown below, Total number of fruits are dynamically generated and each fruit prices is also dynamically generated. Below is my declaration, from import Form class SelectForm(Form): def __init__(self, csrf_enabled=False, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectForm, self).__init__(csrf_enabled=csrf_enabled, *args, **kwargs) fruits_list = wtforms.FieldList( wtforms.SelectField('fruits', validators =

Correct way to handle pagination with form submission?

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-08 11:21:51
问题 I have a form for doing a search on a search page: <form action="{{ url_for('searchresults') }}" method="get" name="noname" id="theform"> {{"hiddenpage") }} ... some form inputs <button id = "mybutton" type = "submit" >Apply</button> </form> The form is a SearchForm , where class SearchForm(Form): page = HiddenField() categories = SelectMultipleField(u'Text', validators=[Optional()]) # some other stuff... The view for searchresults handles the form: @app.route('/searchresults',

php, var_export fails with float [duplicate]

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-05 05:26:56
问题 This question already has answers here : Is floating point math broken? (31 answers) Closed 5 years ago . very simple. Consider this code: var_export (11.2); this returns with 11.199999999999999 with Php 5.6 wtf? 回答1: From the comments on the man page of Looks like since version 5.4.22 var_export uses the serialize_precision ini setting, rather than the precision one used for normal output of floating-point numbers. As a consequence since version 5.4.22 for example var_export(1.1)