
(Batch) “wmic cpu” issue with multi-core system

不问归期 提交于 2021-01-28 09:01:04
问题 I run the "wmic cpu get loadpercentage /every:1" command on a virtual machine with 2 logical CPU cores and I get the LoadPercentage of the 1st core only, as you can see on the image attached: Multicore Issue How can I get the "real" CPU utilization (i.e. the average use of the 2 cores)? Otherwise, how can I also read the 2nd CPU usage separately? Thank you 回答1: It is probably funny that I give an answer to MY question, but since I searched and tested a lot, I want to share one more option: I

Why is “ECHO is off” displayed after output of data of interest on running WMIC in a FOR loop?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-01-05 06:50:36
问题 Here is the code: @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* skip=1 delims=\" %%b in ('wmic /node:%CompName% COMPUTERSYSTEM GET USERNAME') do echo %%b Output: domain\username ECHO is off. Expected result: username Notes: The variable CompName will be set prior. This can be ignored. This code is a part of a larger code I am writing for this batch file where I'll just need to pull the username to have it set as a variable. Pseudo code: set TargetUsername = (results from above)

What can I do about “WMIC is deprecated”?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-08-04 04:04:08
问题 I've been relying on these two commands: wmic memorychip get capacity // Outputs how much RAM there is (in a convoluted manner). wmic diskdrive get Status,Model // Checks whether the HDDs/SSDs on the system are (supposedly) still "OK" and working. Today, I casually typed "wmic" to see if I could get JSON output to the above commands. The first thing it printed, in red text, was this: WMIC is deprecated. I was pretty shocked by this. It's deprecated? Alright... Then I definitely should not be

What can I do about “WMIC is deprecated”?

南楼画角 提交于 2020-08-04 04:03:10
问题 I've been relying on these two commands: wmic memorychip get capacity // Outputs how much RAM there is (in a convoluted manner). wmic diskdrive get Status,Model // Checks whether the HDDs/SSDs on the system are (supposedly) still "OK" and working. Today, I casually typed "wmic" to see if I could get JSON output to the above commands. The first thing it printed, in red text, was this: WMIC is deprecated. I was pretty shocked by this. It's deprecated? Alright... Then I definitely should not be

What can I do about “WMIC is deprecated”?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-08-04 04:02:33
问题 I've been relying on these two commands: wmic memorychip get capacity // Outputs how much RAM there is (in a convoluted manner). wmic diskdrive get Status,Model // Checks whether the HDDs/SSDs on the system are (supposedly) still "OK" and working. Today, I casually typed "wmic" to see if I could get JSON output to the above commands. The first thing it printed, in red text, was this: WMIC is deprecated. I was pretty shocked by this. It's deprecated? Alright... Then I definitely should not be

How to make the network map drive visible in the current user when executed as administrator

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-07-22 04:58:49
问题 the command prompt is opened in Administrator mode and executed the below command: net use Z: \\server-address\path /user:test test the command got execute successfully. but the network map drive with (Z) is not visible some times in "My Computer" window. How can I make it visible and accessible through command prompt from Administrator mode? 回答1: You can't. Drives are mapped by token. Admins have two tokens, As Admin and as normal user. They are seperate. 回答2: A feild to be added in the

wmic cpu get LoadPercentage always returns empty value

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-06-27 08:50:10
问题 I'm use wmic command to get current CPU utilization, the command are: wmic cpu get LoadPercentage /value It's works fine at first, but somehow it doesn't shows the LoadPercentage, but always returns with empty result like: C:\Users\Administrator>wmic cpu get LoadPercentage /value LoadPercentage= It's so weird and I'm pretty sure that the result don't match with the taskmgr.exe . I also tried this command without /value , the result is still the same. I have copy a large file in my server, and