

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-02-26 17:48:15
今天在csdn上下载东西,东西是分为三个部分的压缩包,结果呢,下载下来之后没有办法解压。自己比较喜欢的东西看不了,有些郁闷。后来仔细看人家的说明,原来是利用了winrar的分卷压缩功能,需要全部三部分下载才成。我也照办了,可是还是提示解压错误。我就改了一下压缩包的编号,分别为1_1.rar,1_2.rar,1_3.rar果然,成功了,原来csdn中下载的文件编号并不是它实际的编号顺序,压缩包需要重新编号(按照顺序)。上网也找了一篇关于winrar的文章(。 以下为引用的文章: 说到WinRAR,大家再熟悉不过,相信谁的电脑里都不会少了它。对老鸟来说,它的使用方法已烂熟于心,但对于新手还是要花费一些时间来掌握。所以结合自己的使用经验,制作一篇WinRAR的新手教程,也算是我为WINZHENG贡献自己的一份力量,也欢迎各位兄弟们把自己的技巧也贴出来! 一、分卷压缩 这项功能用的比较多,我们在 论坛 里经常要上传一些附件,但 论坛 对上传附件的大小是有限制的,例如在Winzheng上传的附件要小于512KB。当我们要上传的附后件大于512KB时,就用到了分卷压缩,而不必再去用专用的分割软件。过程如下:①右击要分卷压缩的文件


这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-02-26 15:46:30
在项目中,需打包,每次使用打包工具很麻烦,直接在生成目录下使用exe就可以了,故编写一个.bat文件来处理就可以了,如下: 将生成文件BOMEXE.exe. 1 @echo off 2 echo Starting Make BOM update package 3 echo ----------------------------------------------------- 4 echo 1 . Create temp directory: temp 5 rd / S / Q temp 6 7 md temp 8 md temp\config 9 md temp\dll 10 11 echo 2 . Copy files 12 13 copy config\AmountButtonInfo.xml temp\config\AmountButtonInfo.xml 14 copy config\MessageDef.cfg.xml temp\config\MessageDef.cfg.xml 15 copy config\NSICUState.xml temp\config\NSICUState.xml 16 copy config\Template.xml temp\config\Template.xml 17 copy config\UIFunctions.xml temp

How to execute a bat file inside exe? (exe created using WinRAR sfx)

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-02-06 07:52:12
问题 I want to create an exe file which includes mysql.msi and I have written vbscript to install mysql and extract java file in C: drive. It works fine. Now my problem is: Convert the source folder as exe by using WinRAR sfx option. How can I execute the vbscript or bat file (for executing vbscript) when I click the created exe? Has anybody a solution? 回答1: SFX commands: Setup i.e., Setup = <program> SFX will try to execute after successful extraction. The folder containing extracted

Winrar command line not deleting recursive when not using Wildcards

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-02-05 04:36:08
问题 I'm trying to delete some files in a WinRar Archive using the Command Line. The Rar-File: /testing.rar /testing.rar/some-data.txt /testing.rar/testing/some-data.txt Here's my Code: cd "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\" && rar d -cl -r "c:\full\path\testing.rar" some-data.txt It only deletes the some-data.txt file in the root, not inside /testing/ When using cd "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\" && rar d -cl -r "c:\full\path\testing.rar" some-data.* (changed the extension to .*) it does delete both files. Am


泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-26 13:42:38
当你完成了一个awesome的程序之后,如何分享给你的小伙伴?压缩包?太low。安装包?太难。 折中一下,搞一个自解压安装包如何? 工具很简单,Rar就可以了 首先将想要的文件创建rar压缩包,在选项中勾选, 创建自解压格式压缩文件 我们看到勾选后文件后缀名就变成了exe 接下来进入,高级-自压缩选项,里面可以进行一些高级的配置 常规 设置:可以在“安装”(解压)前后运行一些脚本 模式 高级 更新 文本和图标 许可:用于软件许可说明,当然也可以写一点奇奇怪怪的东西 模块:可以选择是使用GUI还是控制台进行安装交互 这样就有一个简单实用的安装包啦 参考链接: WinRAR使用技巧-发掘 WinRAR 的“自解压安装”功能 WinRAR 5.0官方简体中文版下载 支持64位 非破解版WinRAR压缩软件中文网站-独家总代理商-软众信息 本文会经常更新,请阅读个人博客原文: ,以避免陈旧错误知识的误导,同时有更好的阅读体验。 本作品采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。欢迎转载、使用、重新发布,但务必保留文章署名黄腾霄(包含链接: ),不得用于商业目的,基于本文修改后的作品务必以相同的许可发布。如有任何疑问,请 与我联系 。 来源:

Add a single file to each rar file in a folder

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-25 03:53:05
问题 I'm trying to figure out how to add a file in each .rar file in a folder. For example I have: rar1.rar rar2.rar rar3.rar And I want the 'readme.txt' file added to each of them. Or if that isn't possible I can just extract all the .rar files turning them into folder then use this batch code to compress them? How do I include the readme.txt file? @ECHO OFF cd C:\Users\userss\Desktop\compressing SET PATH=C:;C:\Program Files\WinRAR;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Win dows\System32\Wbem;%PATH%

get a list of files with winrar command line

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-14 02:58:05
问题 I want to get a list of files and preferably uncompressed file size via winrar command line. How do i do this? and how do i do this with a password? From the doc it looks like i use -pPASSWORD 回答1: Winrar comes with Rar.exe command-line tool. You could use it in the following format: Rar.exe l -pPASSWORD archive.rar 回答2: the commands l (lower L) and lb (LB) are available in rar.exe and unrar.exe (but not in Winrar.exe) the command l lists a lot of other informations beside the filename

How to create a RAR archive with current date in archive file name?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-05 02:27:49
问题 I have folder D:\data with lots of subfolders and files and I want to archive this folder with a batch file to a specified directory with current date added in archive file name, e.g. F:\11.08.2016_data . My command line is so far: "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -ep1 -r "data" "D:\data" This command line creates RAR archive file data.rar in folder My Documents . How can I add date and change the archiving directory? 回答1: How to build a WinRAR command line? Start WinRAR . Click in menu

How to extract all multi-volume RAR archives from subfolders of a folder?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-03 02:12:51
问题 I search for a way to unpack multi-volume archives after download via batch. I download folders with .r?? files in it over a FTP monitoring program and want that WinRAR goes in the first subfolder in the source folder and start unpacking .r00, delete the archive and move the folder with the unpacked files to a new location. Then the batch script should start this process again with the next subfolder. Let's say the source folder C:\Users\unpack contains following subfolders with files: source

Zipping all files and subdirectories inside a folder using batch file

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-02 20:18:08
问题 I wrote the below script to zip all the files and sub directories inside a folder. But I am only getting the sub directories zipped. What am I doing wrong here? Please advice. FOR /D %%i IN ("*") DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a ../../../ "%%~fi\" 回答1: Give a try for this example and tell me the results : -R Switch : for recurring subfolders -AF <Type> Switch : specify the archive format -EP1 Switch : to exclude the names of the basic folder -DH Switch: open