

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-16 23:19:48
机器学习 针对经验 E 和一系列任务 T 和一定表现的衡量 P ,如果随着经验 E 的积累,针对定义好的任务 T 可以提高其表现 P ,则说明机器有学习能力 S klearn 库 基本使用 包含了所有机器学习算法 ——> 分类 回归 非监督分类 数据降维 数据预处理 1. 构建机器学习模型 A. 逻辑回归 B. 支持向量机 C. 决策树 D. 神经网络 在给定的数据上做解决分类的问题 导入样本数据 代码: from sklearn import datasets wine = datasets.load_wine() print(wine) 补充: y 是样本的标签!每个分类的个数是类似的,所以不会存在不平衡的问题! 通过 numpy 包的 shape() 方法输入 data 和 target 的大小: 代码: import numpy as np print(np.shape(x),np.shape(y)) 其中, (178,13)---- 代表 178*13 的矩阵【意思是 178 个样本,每个样本有 13 个特征(或 13 个特征矩阵)】 (178,) ----- 代表长度是 178 的一个一维向量 把数据分成训练数据和测试数据 ----- 搭建模型后用一种机制评估模型 代码: from sklearn.model_selection import train_test

Wine PATH through command line and not persistent

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-07 06:56:18
问题 I know I can change my wine PATH through regedit, but I actually need to change the PATH just for a single run. For example, I have my software called frontend.exe , this depends on example/mylib.dll , I need to invoke frontend.exe with example/ on PATH. But I may not set this on the registry be cause this configuration is just for this application, not for every wine application... 回答1: Wine supports the WINEPATH variable. If, in your Unix Shell, you export WINEPATH, once you launch wine it

How to share memory between linux program and windows program running through Wine (same computer)?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-06 15:29:05
问题 Is there a way (and then how to) share memory between a linux program and a windows program running through wine ? Since it could be hard to understand why to do such a thing, I give you my situation : I've a proprietary program compiled only for windows, but this program has an open C plugin API. But, I'd like to make part of my code running on a native application (and use other libraries and other advantages of linux), and doing the IPC in a fast way 回答1: The purpose of Wine is to provide

How to share memory between linux program and windows program running through Wine (same computer)?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-06 15:28:37
问题 Is there a way (and then how to) share memory between a linux program and a windows program running through wine ? Since it could be hard to understand why to do such a thing, I give you my situation : I've a proprietary program compiled only for windows, but this program has an open C plugin API. But, I'd like to make part of my code running on a native application (and use other libraries and other advantages of linux), and doing the IPC in a fast way 回答1: The purpose of Wine is to provide

Ubuntu 20.04 安装微信、qq等

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-06 01:33:02
Ubuntu 20.04 安装微信、qq等 1.安装前准备 安装必要的工具及deepin-wine依赖 sudo apt install wget g++ git #如已安装可自行跳过 2.安装deepin-wine git clone "" cd deepin-wine #切换到下载目录 sudo ./ #执行安装 deepin-wine容器安装完成,下面进行具体软件的安装。 3.安装Deep-wine微信及QQ 微信 sudo wget "" sudo dpkg -i *wechat*deb #安装微信 sudo apt install libjpeg62:i386 #解决微信无法查看发送图片问题 QQ sudo wget

Ubuntu 安装微信、QQ、腾讯会议

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-05 17:00:23
最近在折腾kubuntu,不得不说KDE界面是真的好看,比Gnome好看多了,然后想安装微信、腾讯会议,记录如下: 微信 参考大神的GitHub:。 添加仓库: wget -O- | sh 应用安装: 比如,安装微信: sudo apt-get install com.qq.weixin.deepin 同理,其他安装参考大神GitHub页面。 腾讯会议 腾讯会议有整合好wine的安装包,自己找找看,安装就直接terminal里如下命令: sudo dpkg -i com.tencent.meeting.deepin_2.2.0.409deepin2_i386.deb 问题处理 安装好微信和腾讯会议后,可能会遇到如发送不了图片、界面大小不匹配的问题,依次解决如下: 分辨率问题 例如微信的分辨率设置,输入如下命令: env WINEPREFIX=~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WeChat ~/.deepinwine/deepin-wine5-stable/bin/wine winecfg 在Graphics/图像选项卡中,勾选2、3选项,讲分辨率从最小调整至120-144左右,我的目前屏幕分辨率是2560*1600

Compiling MQL4 via command line through wine metaeditor.exe

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-27 14:16:01
问题 I'm trying to get to a point where I can compile/syntax check via command line so I can avoid using metaeditor for code management. I'm using this command (also attempted with /s and /log): wine metaeditor.exe /compile:"MQL4/Experts/MACD Sample.mq4" which is from this MQL4 related question. I currently get this output and no files generated: fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x1800f935, 0x640360, {9b18bff9-915e-4cc1-9c3e-f4ac112cb36c}, 1, 0x180b1ba0, (null), (null), 0x640378): stub fixme

蓝桥杯刷题 -- 第五届蓝桥杯

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-01-22 09:03:55
题头:本内容所有题面都来自博客:在此感谢! 1、标题:啤酒和饮料 啤酒每罐2.3元,饮料每罐1.9元。小明买了若干啤酒和饮料,一共花了82.3元。 我们还知道他买的啤酒比饮料的数量少,请你计算他买了几罐啤酒。 注意:答案是一个整数。请通过浏览器提交答案。 不要书写任何多余的内容(例如:写了饮料的数量,添加说明文字等)。 思路: 勉强说是贪心吧。。i从1开始,j从i+1开始保证符合题意就好。 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { for ( int i = 1 ; i < 100 ; ++ i) for ( int j = i+ 1 ; j < 100 ; ++ j) if (( 23 *i+ 19 *j) == 823 ) { printf( " %d\n " , i); } return 0 ; } View Code 答案是 11 2、标题:切面条 一根高筋拉面,中间切一刀,可以得到2根面条。 如果先对折1次,中间切一刀,可以得到3根面条。 如果连续对折2次,中间切一刀,可以得到5根面条。 那么,连续对折10次,中间切一刀,会得到多少面条呢? 答案是个整数

OSX Associate a shell script with a file extension?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-01-22 03:53:25
问题 I want to associate the .exe file extension with a shell script that launches wine. What is the best way to do this? From what I've gathered, I need to create an AppleScript that will call wine, but how do I get the name of the input file in the AppleScript? If there is a better way to do this, let me know, but as far as I know this is the best way. 回答1: You can use an AppleScript application to do this - files are passed to the open handler, the same as a droplet, for example: on open

OSX Associate a shell script with a file extension?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-22 03:52:13
问题 I want to associate the .exe file extension with a shell script that launches wine. What is the best way to do this? From what I've gathered, I need to create an AppleScript that will call wine, but how do I get the name of the input file in the AppleScript? If there is a better way to do this, let me know, but as far as I know this is the best way. 回答1: You can use an AppleScript application to do this - files are passed to the open handler, the same as a droplet, for example: on open