
From Qt UI app to Windows 10 Store app

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-06 14:00:57
问题 I have a Qt (5.6) UI application, and I convert it to Visual Studio project using qmake -tp vc CONFIG+=windeployqt When I open the vcxproj in Visual Studio, I build successfully and can debug the app, but I don't have the option to upload the app to the Windows Store (Project->Store->Create/upload App Packages), because the Project menu doesn't contain Store submenu. How can I upload my app to the Windows Store? 回答1: You should have at least Visual Studio 2015 installed (with

From Qt UI app to Windows 10 Store app

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-02-06 14:00:53
问题 I have a Qt (5.6) UI application, and I convert it to Visual Studio project using qmake -tp vc CONFIG+=windeployqt When I open the vcxproj in Visual Studio, I build successfully and can debug the app, but I don't have the option to upload the app to the Windows Store (Project->Store->Create/upload App Packages), because the Project menu doesn't contain Store submenu. How can I upload my app to the Windows Store? 回答1: You should have at least Visual Studio 2015 installed (with

How to use MSBuild to build multiple platforms

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-08-09 13:40:31
问题 I am using Visual Studio online build with an MSBuild task. I currently have the following MSBuild Arguments fed to my task: /p:Configuration=Release;AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms="x86|x64|ARM";AppxPackageDir="$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\AppxPackages\\";UapAppxPackageBuildMode=StoreUpload This creates my application in x86 , x64 and ARM . It creates Release version of the libraries in x86 BUT creates Debug version of my libraries in x64 and ARM . When my .appxupload package is creates

How to use MSBuild to build multiple platforms

孤人 提交于 2020-08-09 13:36:20
问题 I am using Visual Studio online build with an MSBuild task. I currently have the following MSBuild Arguments fed to my task: /p:Configuration=Release;AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms="x86|x64|ARM";AppxPackageDir="$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\AppxPackages\\";UapAppxPackageBuildMode=StoreUpload This creates my application in x86 , x64 and ARM . It creates Release version of the libraries in x86 BUT creates Debug version of my libraries in x64 and ARM . When my .appxupload package is creates

How to use MSBuild to build multiple platforms

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-08-09 13:36:11
问题 I am using Visual Studio online build with an MSBuild task. I currently have the following MSBuild Arguments fed to my task: /p:Configuration=Release;AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms="x86|x64|ARM";AppxPackageDir="$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\AppxPackages\\";UapAppxPackageBuildMode=StoreUpload This creates my application in x86 , x64 and ARM . It creates Release version of the libraries in x86 BUT creates Debug version of my libraries in x64 and ARM . When my .appxupload package is creates

This submission failed with error code(s) 2003,1201

前提是你 提交于 2020-04-11 06:09:10
问题 We have created a Windows Store app and are running into error code(s) 2003 and 1201 while trying to submit the app to the store. Apparently these errors are not documented in the documentation and there is pretty much absolutely nothing that we can find about these online. Hoping somebody have a knowledge about their resolution and is willing to share it here. 回答1: It looks like error 1201 is a long-standing issue (bug) with the store. From the link above, it looks like some people have been

Issue with Swipe inside ListView

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-02-06 18:50:59
问题 I am using a ListView in a Windows Store App. Whenever I start swiping(using simulator tap mode) over the list view all the items move together as illustrated in the picture. How can I disable this manipulation event? 回答1: To your ListView , add: ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollMode="Disabled" If that is not enough (this sometimes does not work with MouseWheel events, in that the events still tend to be caught in the ListView and also tends to

Electron window store build crashing

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-25 05:59:05
问题 We are using electron builder with reactJs to create windows application our application packaged well in .exe with the help of electron-builder but not able to published on windows store even followed the guide provided by windows-electron-store. Getting error while executing this command: electron-windows-store --input-directory ./dist --output-directory ./output --package-version --package-name cra-electron You can see I provide all required arguments --input-directory, --output

Desktop App Converter -PackageName Error

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-03 04:58:09
问题 I am trying to convert my app for the windows store using Desktop App Converter. If I set the -PackageName option to the Package/Identity/Name given in the dashboard, Desktop App Converter stops with a write error for -PackageName. But if I put -PackageName to the display name that I want, when I submit the appx file to the windows store I get: Invalid package identity name: and Invalid package family name: *update My Pakage/Identity/name takes the form 1234MyApp.MyApp. If I leave out the

Windows 10 Developer Mode

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-02 19:29:29
问题 I have Windows 10 Pro (upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro WMC) and I see that the option "Don't use developer features" is greyed out/disabled/cannot be selected and the option "Sideload apps" is selected. Why can't I select "Don't use developer features"? How can I enable it? 回答1: This is mainly due to group policy feature being enforced. You can go to group policy to enable it manually. Search for Group Policy Editor and navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative