
CPU temperature of Raspberry Pi in C#

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-02-07 05:13:40
问题 I have read a lot of articles and forum posts about this topic, but almost everything is quite complicated and all from over 2+ years ago. So I was wondering, What is the best way tot get the CPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi in C# ? I have the newest version of Windows 10 IoT Core. Update I dont want to reduce the CPU temperature. I am using the Sense HAT. The temperature sensor of that thing is located near the CPU so the reading is inaccurate. I have found a python script what makes the

CPU temperature of Raspberry Pi in C#

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-02-07 05:12:38
问题 I have read a lot of articles and forum posts about this topic, but almost everything is quite complicated and all from over 2+ years ago. So I was wondering, What is the best way tot get the CPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi in C# ? I have the newest version of Windows 10 IoT Core. Update I dont want to reduce the CPU temperature. I am using the Sense HAT. The temperature sensor of that thing is located near the CPU so the reading is inaccurate. I have found a python script what makes the

CPU temperature of Raspberry Pi in C#

北城以北 提交于 2021-02-07 05:12:18
问题 I have read a lot of articles and forum posts about this topic, but almost everything is quite complicated and all from over 2+ years ago. So I was wondering, What is the best way tot get the CPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi in C# ? I have the newest version of Windows 10 IoT Core. Update I dont want to reduce the CPU temperature. I am using the Sense HAT. The temperature sensor of that thing is located near the CPU so the reading is inaccurate. I have found a python script what makes the

CPU temperature of Raspberry Pi in C#

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-07 05:12:16
问题 I have read a lot of articles and forum posts about this topic, but almost everything is quite complicated and all from over 2+ years ago. So I was wondering, What is the best way tot get the CPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi in C# ? I have the newest version of Windows 10 IoT Core. Update I dont want to reduce the CPU temperature. I am using the Sense HAT. The temperature sensor of that thing is located near the CPU so the reading is inaccurate. I have found a python script what makes the

.net core Kestrel server SSL issue

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-28 04:50:37
问题 I am having a few problems implementing a basic SSL server using Kestrel on .Net Core. My aim is to eventually create my own Alexa skill end point, which I already have a basic version running on flask on a raspberry pi. But I'm a .net person and really want to leverage what I know and can understand better in .net core on Windows IOT on a Raspberry Pi 3. I followed some very vague tutorials on how to implement an SSL server using Kestrel which I can get up and running except for one issue.

Create a BitmapImage from a Byte array and display it on an Image object UWP Raspberry Pi 3

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-24 09:06:08
问题 I'm using this code to write a Byte Array inside a file BMP: private async void ScriviBMP() { using (Stream stream = immagineBitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream()) { await stream.WriteAsync(arrayImmagine, 0, arrayImmagine.Length); } StorageFolder folder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary; if (folder != null) { StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync("area2_128x128" + ".bmp", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); using (var storageStream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)) { var

Can't access USB device in Universal App

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-17 05:39:07
问题 I have a USB device that I have successfully set to use the WinUSB driver, and it shows up on the Raspberry Pi 2 startup screen as a connected device. I have added it as a capability to the manifest: <Capabilities> <Capability Name="internetClient" /> <DeviceCapability Name="usb"> <Device Id="vidpid:1234 abcd"> <Function Type="classId:ff * *"/> </Device> </DeviceCapability> </Capabilities> Now I try to access it from my Universal App using the following code I found on MSDN: string aqs =