
Mobile first! Wijmo 5 + Ionic Framework之:Hello World!

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-28 00:36:36
本教程中,我们用 Wijmo 5 和 Ionic Framework 实现一个Mobile的project:Hello World。 Ionic是什么? Ionic是一个HTML5框架、免费、开源,用于帮助生成hybird mobile Apps (混合移动应用)。 Ionic包括3部分: CSS 样式 :用于渲染Web页面。使得页面更接近原生移动应用 (Native App)。 AngularJS :Ionic使用AngularJs的扩展指令作为核心框架库。同一时候AngularJs也加快了开发过程。 Apache Cordova :Ionic使用Apache Cordova编译为mobile App,并提供了 ngCordova 库--使用AngularJs扩展的Cordova API库。 Ionic框架眼下依旧是beta阶段(截止本文完稿时间,最新版:v1.0.0-beta.12 "krypton-koala" · 2014-09-10 · MIT Licensed ),当前版本号支持iOS6+ 和 Android 4.1+版本号,且有计划会支持Windows设备。对其它较老的设备无版本号支持计划。 系统必备 本教程会使用到以下的环境,请预先准备。 Git Node.js Bower Apache Cordova 在本教程中。我们使用Chrome用于开发、调试。同一时候

pass the column value when checkbox is clicked in wijmogrid column

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-25 05:33:17
问题 i am trying to pass on the column value to the function when the particular column is clicked using ng-click of angular in wijmo grid column.I am getting undefined as value. How do we pass on the associated column value/row value when the checkbox is selected for each row. my code: HTML <wj-flex-grid items-source="instances"> <wj-flex-grid-column header="Select" > <input type="checkbox" binding = "machinename" ng-click= "model.funcall(args)"/> </wj-flex-grid-column> <wj-flex-grid-column

Cannot find wijmo.grid.wijgrid control on Component One Studio Enterprise's “Studio for ASP.NET wijmo” installation

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-25 05:13:19
问题 I have installed the Studio for ASP.NET wijmo with license activated. I can use the c1 controls for ASP.NET applications. Now I wish to use the "wijgrid" and other widgets for HTML5 application. I looked into this folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Studio for ASP.NET Wijmo" to any subfolder available for HTML5 widgets. But I can see only the folders 1. ASP.NET MVC Tools 2. bin 3. c1excel etc.. and not any folders for HTML5 widgets. And if I try to include tools in HTML tab in toolbox

z-Index Issue with jqGrid and Wijmo WijMenu

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-24 09:49:38
问题 I am trying to use the jQuery-based Wijmo WijMenu control with jqGrid in order to create a dynamic grid toolbar. Getting the menu to appear works fine. However, my menuitem1 has a submenu, and this submenu falls behind the jqGrid when I hover over 'menuitem1'. I've tried setting the z-Index on the menu and the individual menu items, but with no luck. This behavior happens on IE9, Chrome, FF and Safari. It does work when I turn compatibility mode on with IE9, which makes me think it may have

Wijmo wj-tree-view angularjs Drop wait for $http callback

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-13 03:50:53
问题 I am using Wijmo Tree-View I am trying to implement the drag and drop functionally with a server side validation, I am unable to get the move to wait for the success for failure from the server side call. This is my Html <wj-tree-view control="tv" items-source="data.DeviceInstance" display-member-path="'Name'" child-items-path="'Children'" lazy-load-function="ExpandTreeItemSelected" format-item="FormatTreeData(s, e)" allow-Dragging="true" drop="Drop(s,e)" drag-over="dragOver(s,e)"> </wj-tree

Wizmo5 flexgrid not rendering completely in browser when seeing through developer tools

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-11 06:57:44
问题 Using coded-ui-tests to automate a screen which is using wijmo grid with scroll. The problem is not able to record all the cells, as the cells which appear after scroll does not render in DOM, this is evident from Inspect element feature of browser. How can I catch the cells? Edited: The issue here is that only the cells which are visible is getting rendered in dom as we can see, while the part of the grid which is on right i.e. which will appear after scrolling is not getting rendered. The

Wijmo 5 flex chart doesn't work with knockout foreach binding

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-10 17:55:57
问题 I want dynamically update the values(or add extra legend item) on my chart thus I can't use the 'hardcoded' html markup from the flexchart example page. the problem is that foreach binding inside wjFlexChart block doesn't work at all. here's my code: View: <div data-bind="wjFlexChart: { itemsSource: data, bindingX: 'week' }"> <div data-bind="foreach: $data.legend"> <div data-bind="wjFlexChartSeries: { name: name, binding: value}"></div> </div> </div> ViewModel: data = new wijmo.collections


我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-05 11:43:14
< Wijmo Enterprise 2016 v1下载 > 从2016 v1版本开始,Wijmo UI控件支持Angular 2。Wijmo 2016 v1强势发布,全面支持Angular 2!本文就来介绍使用Angular2来创建基于HTML5/TypeScript的输入控件。 步骤: 1. 使用Visual Studio HTML应用程序创建工程。 2. 删除index.html,app.ts和app.css文件。 选择TypeScript项目设置,指定CommonJS作为项目模型系统;为了获取Angular2和库,在app的根目录添加.json文件。复制angular2开始的内容,这部分是VisualStudio自动的。在node_modules中定位所有的库。添加default.html页面到项目的根节点。添加引用,Angualr2的库,Wijmo控件引用。代码如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 < script src = " http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.0.min.js " type = "text/javascript" ></ script > < script src = " http:/


喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-04 06:09:53
< Wijmo Enterprise下载 > 2015年已经过去了,这是 Wijmo 重要的一年,尤其是对Wijmo5。脱离传统的小部件,重新写一套JS控件,现在看来这个决定是正确的。用TypeScript写Wijmo5,意味着我们没有任何依赖,不再需要jQuery,Wijmo5是一套纯控件。这个重要的决定使我们的产品处于行业前沿。Google的Angular2开发团队也使用TypeScript和类,许多开发人员为了减少依赖,弃用jQuery。 更重要的事情是:2015年我们一直聚焦在客户身上。我们和客户一起工作,客户帮助Wijmo5定型。我们增加功能、控件和一些非常好的扩展,这些都是客户直接参与的结果。 2016年,期待您持续提供反馈。我们也会改变发展规划,来适应您。2016年,Wijmo将专注于: 根据客户的需求打磨控件,包括性能、功能和修复。 增加一些主要的新控件,比如OLAP、报表、MultiRow 支持Angular 2, Aurelia, EmberJS框架 支持Angular 2 随后几个月内最激动的事情就是我们支持Angular2。Wijmo是第一个全面支持Angular1的库,我们将会继续这个传统。最近我们已经完成了Angular2第一个Beta版的指令模块,这使得开发人员很容易在在他们的Angular2应用中集成Wijmo控件。

Wijmo ExcelImportExport in Angular 2 project &#039;window.require is not a function&#039; error

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:43:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I'm using the current build of Wijmo (5.20172.359) in an Angular 2 project (Angular 4.4.4, TypeScript 2.5.3). Everything I've been using (FlexGrid, FlexPie, FlexCharts) works fine, however... I'm trying to integrate the Excel Import functionality, and am using the ExcelImportExport project included in the TS/Angular2 Samples downloaded with the build, and I'm getting the following error on build: Uncaught TypeError: window.require is not a function at Object../node_modules/wijmo/wijmo.xlsx.js (app.js:86218) at __webpack_require__ (app.js:678