
HidDevice.FromIdAsync returns null with readwrite

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-06 07:12:04
问题 I am trying to port a library from classic desktop to UWP. It all works like planned except for one thing. When I try to open a HID connection to the device(A wiimote) it won't connect if the permissions are on readwrite. It does work with read only permissions. What could be the problem. The permissions in the manifest are set to the correct values. EDIT: I checked the DeviceAccessStatus to see if the permissions are not good but it returns DeviceAccessStatus.Allowed Manifest code

HidDevice.FromIdAsync returns null with readwrite

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-04 14:26:49
I am trying to port a library from classic desktop to UWP. It all works like planned except for one thing. When I try to open a HID connection to the device(A wiimote) it won't connect if the permissions are on readwrite. It does work with read only permissions. What could be the problem. The permissions in the manifest are set to the correct values. EDIT: I checked the DeviceAccessStatus to see if the permissions are not good but it returns DeviceAccessStatus.Allowed Manifest code <Capabilities> <Capability Name="internetClient" /> <DeviceCapability Name="humaninterfacedevice"> <Device Id=

Get current window title with Python and Xorg

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-04 13:13:58
问题 After stackoverflow answered my previous question on here about my Wiimote left/right click issue, Not only can I move the mouse cursor, I can now left/right click on things. I now have one more question. What do I use in python to get the title of the current active window? After googling 'X11 Python Window Title', 'Linux Python Window Title' and things similar, All I've found is win32 and tkinker (again?), which isn't what I need. If you could help, That would be awesome! 回答1: EDIT best way

Wii MotionPlus support

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-04 09:59:16
I am developing a PC application that interacts with the Wiimote . So far I have been using the wiiuse library , which has worked great. However, wiiuse does not support the MotionPlus extension. I have heard of extensions to implement this by Dolphin and libogc but have not managed to locate this code. Do you know of code that implements support for MotionPlus with wiiuse, or another C based libary? hoju I found that fWIIne has a modded version with MotionPlus support, though only in the release zip file and not the repository. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2846844/wii-motionplus

Simulate Mouse Clicks on Python

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-30 01:21:12
I'm currently in the process of making my Nintendo Wiimote (Kinda sad actually) to work with my computer as a mouse. I've managed to make the nunchuk's stick control actually move the mouse up and down, left and right on the screen! This was so exciting. Now I'm stuck. I want to left/right click on things via python when I press A, When I went to do a search, All it came up with was tkinter? So my question is, What do I call to make python left/right click on the desktop, and if it's possible, maybe provide a snippet? Thank you for your help! NOTE: I guess I forgot to mention that this is for

How to connect wii balance board with android

孤人 提交于 2019-11-29 00:17:17
How to connect Wii balance board with android? Is there are any useful Library in android and how to use it? My goal now is to connect it together and can receive data from it. I'm new with android and Bluetooth development Richard Le Mesurier I found this answer useful: Is it possible for an android device to read information from the wii controller and nunchuck? (quoted below with thanks to @Ben Mordue) Have a look at this open source project: http://code.google.com/p/android-bluez-ime/ Update: I first installed the APK file on Galaxy Nexus and it works. I have checked the code out of the

Simulate Mouse Clicks on Python

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-11-28 22:50:04
问题 I'm currently in the process of making my Nintendo Wiimote (Kinda sad actually) to work with my computer as a mouse. I've managed to make the nunchuk's stick control actually move the mouse up and down, left and right on the screen! This was so exciting. Now I'm stuck. I want to left/right click on things via python when I press A, When I went to do a search, All it came up with was tkinter? So my question is, What do I call to make python left/right click on the desktop, and if it's possible

Reducing wiimote pitch/roll variations

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-28 02:20:28
I want to use the wiimote to control a cursor WITHOUT the infrared sensor bar. I'm using the pitch and roll values for this. The problem is that when the pitch is close to 0 degrees, the roll is very unstable, and when the pitch is close to 90 degrees, it is itself very unstable, but the roll is fine. Im polling the wiimote very frequently, so im averaging the last 20 values for both pitch and roll, and I can get the cursor to go where I want. The only problem is that there is still alot of uncontrolable shaking. Any ideas on how I can reduce it? (Or even get a more precise position without

How to connect wii balance board with android

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-11-27 15:20:14
问题 How to connect Wii balance board with android? Is there are any useful Library in android and how to use it? My goal now is to connect it together and can receive data from it. I'm new with android and Bluetooth development 回答1: I found this answer useful: Is it possible for an android device to read information from the wii controller and nunchuck? (quoted below with thanks to @Ben Mordue) Have a look at this open source project: http://code.google.com/p/android-bluez-ime/ Update: I first