
Javascript in Wicket 1.5

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-07 08:12:30
im looking for the Wicket 1.5 Way of doing the following tasks: Add a external .js File to header of the Page from a Panel. Add a <script>...</script> Tag at Bottom of Page from a Panel Add some Javascript to the onLoad Event of the Body tag There are lots of examples how to do this in Wicket 1.2 and 1.3 but these API are gone. Any good Wicket 1.5 Articles aboutJavascript/Ajax would be great. HaBaLeS found it out himself: add(new Behavior(){ private final ResourceReference SOME_JS = new JavaScriptResourceReference(ChartTestPage.class, "some.js"); @Override public void renderHead(Component

How to redirect to another page while keeping the original url?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-06 12:00:27
In my Wicket 1.5 web application, I want to redirect to another bookmarkable page, whilst the URL of the originating page should remain . @MountPath(value="page1") public class WebPage1 extends WebPage { public WebPage1() { ... if (!isDisplayable()) { setResponsePage(WebPage2.class); // throw new RestartResponseException(Error404WebPage.class); // throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(Error404WebPage.class); } } private boolean isDisplayable() { boolean flag = ... ... return flag; } } @MountPath(value="page2") public class WebPage2 extends WebPage { public WebPage2() { } public

Components not reloading on url change in Wicket 1.5(.2)?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-05 23:32:06
I navigate to my application the first time with following URL: .../homepage/?0&user= x In debug mode I see wicket is nicely instantiating my panels and such (obviously). if I change the URL to: .../homepage/?0&user= y then nothing happens, the panels are not re-initialized (for the new user => data of user x is still shown) nor are LoadableDetachable -or other models invoked. However, if I change the URL to: .../homepage/? 1 &user=y then all panels are nicely initialized for user y One step further, if you change the URL back to .../homepage/? 0 &user= y then again the data for user x is

Scaffolding in Wicket

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-01 21:21:51
is there any working, supported and maintained scaffolding solution for Wicket 1.5? I know of Wicketopia at two different locations sourceforge and github but this is still targeted at wicket 1.4, brings it's own wicket and mails to the mailinglists didn't trigger any response in months. Wicket Rad but this hasn't been updated in 18 Months Wicket CRUD which seems more like a tutorial or proof of concept than a working solution. I can't belive, that there is no solution out there that allows to edit Domain Objects (selecting objects for OneToOne and add-remove-controls for lists would be a big

Wicket Label not updated / remains invisible

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-11-30 09:58:20
I am trying to implement Breadcrumb Navigation on a WebPage that exchanges a content Panel via ajax. It ends up looking like this: Home >> Page >> Panel Here is my page code: public MyPage() { super(); contentContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("contentContainer"); contentContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(contentContainer); contentContainer.add(content = createContentPanel()); breadCrumbContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("breadcrumbContainer"); breadCrumbContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(breadCrumbContainer); final AjaxLink panelLink = new AjaxLink("panelLink") { @Override public void

Wicket Label not updated / remains invisible

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-11-29 15:33:05
问题 I am trying to implement Breadcrumb Navigation on a WebPage that exchanges a content Panel via ajax. It ends up looking like this: Home >> Page >> Panel Here is my page code: public MyPage() { super(); contentContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("contentContainer"); contentContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(contentContainer); contentContainer.add(content = createContentPanel()); breadCrumbContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("breadcrumbContainer"); breadCrumbContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true);

delete version number in url

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-26 17:44:47
How can I delete or hide the version number in the URL introduced in Wicket 1.5? Mounting a page doesn't help. http://localhost/MyPage/SubPage?0 Apostolos In Application.init(): mount(new MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo("/subpage", MyPage.class)); with the following Mapper class: public class MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo extends MountedMapper { public MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo(String mountPath, Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass) { super(mountPath, pageClass, new PageParametersEncoder()); } @Override protected void encodePageComponentInfo(Url url,

delete version number in url

感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-26 05:34:17
问题 How can I delete or hide the version number in the URL introduced in Wicket 1.5? Mounting a page doesn\'t help. http://localhost/MyPage/SubPage?0 回答1: In Application.init(): mount(new MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo("/subpage", MyPage.class)); with the following Mapper class: public class MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo extends MountedMapper { public MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo(String mountPath, Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass) { super(mountPath, pageClass,