WIC Direct2D CreateBitmapFromMemory: limitations on width and height?
问题 CreateBitmapFromMemory executes successfully when _nWidth is equal to or less than 644. If the value exceeds this value, the HRESULT value is -2003292276 Do limits exist on the width and height? #include <d2d1.h> #include <d2d1helper.h> #include <wincodecsdk.h> // Use this for WIC Direct2D functions void test() { IWICImagingFactory *m_pIWICFactory; ID2D1Factory *m_pD2DFactory; IWICBitmap *m_pEmbeddedBitmap; ID2D1Bitmap *m_pD2DBitmap; unsigned char *pImageBuffer = new unsigned char[1024*1024];