
Session Invalidate not Working with LTPA-based Security

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-03-22 15:01:13
问题 I normally handle site logout with a JSP that executes <%= session.invalidate() %> then redirects to the home page. Now I am running on WebSphere authenticating using LTPA and a SSL Certificate. Session.invalidate() does not work. Someone suggested it is because WAS is using LTPA. LTPA creates an authentication cookie (LtpaToken2) that is not cleared by session.invalidate. IBM does have a proprietary logout JSP*** I could use, but I don't want to use a vendor specific solution. Has anybody


好久不见. 提交于 2020-03-22 09:44:01
MyEclipse2013 常用设置与其优化 1: 颜色设置-调整为适合阅读的浅绿色: (1)Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors-> a.Backgroudcolors 背景颜色 设置为RGB(204,232,207) b.Current linehighlight当前行高亮颜色 RGB (162,215,167) (2)Window->Preferences->General->Editors->TextEditors->Annotations a.Occurrences 高亮辅助(145,208,151) b.Write Occurrences 变量名 高亮辅助(145,208,151) 2: 取消自动validation validation有一堆,什么xml、jsp、jsf、js等等,我们没有必要全部都去自动校验一下,只是需要的时候才会手工校验一下! 取消方法: windows–>perferences–>myeclipse–>validation 除开Manual下面的复选框全部选中之外,其他全部不选 手工验证方法: 在要验证的文件上,单击鼠标右键–>myeclipse–>run validation 3、取消Eclipse拼写检查 1、拼写检查会给我们带来不少的麻烦,我们的方法命名都会是单词的缩写

websphere启动后java heap space

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-03-16 04:09:20
* 一,背景 在window7平台,安装完websphere v8.5后,配置完jdbc提供程序,数据源等,就直接部署了程序130多M的war包, 没有配置jvm等参数 ---这是问题根源 二,问题描述 启动部署的程序后,就开始了一系列问题 1,访问http://servername:9060/ibm/console/控制台页面,一直进不去,或者进去后,右侧也是空白,或者报空; 2,注册成windows服务的ibm websphere会自动关闭,或者手动都不能关闭,一直处于Stopping的状态,关闭了又不能重启; 三,解决思路 1,查看日志 ${was_home}/appserver/profiles/{***}/logs/server1/下面的log,大都是java heap space, 猜测是部署的程序太占内存,查找设置was jvm的方法 1)bin/wsadmin.bat: set PERF JAVAOPTION=-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xquickstart,这是ibm官网推荐,不过设置后好像没有作用 2) 发现另外一个问题,我的数据源设置的classpath下面,有几个db2的驱动jar,删掉类似的后,好像控制台好点了(至少有时能打开),但是还是反应慢 3)设置websphere的java虚拟机的堆大小 因为控制台页面不能打开

Unsupported major.minor version 49.0

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-03-08 05:14:29
在Eclipse 3.2 + MyEclipse 5.0 中编译的class文件,发布到WebSphere Application Server 6.0中。 报错: Error 500: java.lang.LinkageError: LinkageError while defining class: xxxx Could not be defined due to: xxxxxx (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) This is often caused by having a class defined at multiple locations within the classloader hierarchy. Other potentia causes include compiling against an older or newer version of the class that has an incompatible method signature. 经查,是WebSphere 6.0不支持JDK1.5。 没有办法,修改Eclipse的JDK配置: 在IDE中,打开Windows--->Preferences,选择Java--->Compiler,设置“Compiler compliance setting”为1

Unsupported major.minor version 49.0

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-03-08 05:13:46
在Eclipse 3.2 + MyEclipse 5.0 中编译的class文件,发布到WebSphere Application Server 6.0中。 报错: Error 500: java.lang.LinkageError: LinkageError while defining class: xxxx Could not be defined due to: xxxxxx (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) This is often caused by having a class defined at multiple locations within the classloader hierarchy. Other potentia causes include compiling against an older or newer version of the class that has an incompatible method signature. 经查,是WebSphere 6.0不支持JDK1.5。 没有办法,修改Eclipse的JDK配置: 在IDE中,打开Windows--->Preferences,选择Java--->Compiler,设置“Compiler compliance setting”为1

Validating JAX-RS resources and methods (IBM JAX-RS implementation) using bean validation on Websphere Application Server 8.5.5

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-03-06 09:12:43
问题 I am using IBM JAX-RS implementation to develop my REST APIs. I am looking to include validation of resource method parameters using Bean Validation (annotations) support provided in JAX-RS 2.0. I know that Jersey implementation supports this feature (https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/bean-validation.html). Is there a similar support available with IBM JAX-RS implementation on WAS 8.5.5? If so could you please direct me to some tutorial on how to accomplish this? I am specifically


瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-02-28 04:13:47
开发工具整理: Ubuntu上安装Navicat 安装navicat: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38276669/article/details/82288870 破解navicat: https://www.jianshu.com/p/fbd9bb9ac144 画图工具:Xmind/ProcessOn Xmind官网地址: https://www.xmind.cn ProcessOn在线作图地址: https://www.processon.com Linux(Ubuntu)下面SecureCRT 完全破解: https://www.cnblogs.com/tfanalysis/articles/4534394.html 获取IDEA破解版: 破解版: https://blog.csdn.net/animatecat/article/details/81483174 IDEA教程使用: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35246620/article/details/61191375 https://blog.csdn.net/RobertoHuang/article/details/75042116 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_27093465/article/details/68961393


北城以北 提交于 2020-02-26 09:54:35
NoClassDefFoundError 和 ClassNotFoundException 什么区别? 是什么导致它们被抛出? 如何解决? 在修改现有代码以包含新的jar文件时,我经常遇到这些throwables。 我在客户端和服务器端都通过Webstart分发了一个Java应用程序。 我遇到的可能原因: 客户端代码未包含在 build.xml 中的软件包 我们正在使用的新jar缺少运行时类路径 版本与先前的jar冲突 今天,当我遇到这些问题时,我采取了走错一步的方法来使事情顺利进行。 我需要更多的清晰度和理解。 #1楼 NoClassDefFoundError 基本上是一个链接错误。 当您尝试实例化一个对象时会发生这种情况(静态地使用“ new”),而在编译过程中则找不到该对象。 ClassNotFoundException 更通用,是当您尝试使用不存在的类时的运行时异常。 例如,您在函数中具有接受接口的参数,并且有人传入实现该接口的类,但您无权访问该类。 它还介绍了动态类加载的情况,例如使用 loadClass() 或 Class.forName() 。 #2楼 与Java API规范的区别如下。 对于 ClassNotFoundException : 当应用程序尝试使用其字符串名称通过其字符串名称加载类时抛出: 类 Class 的 forName 方法。 类

Class Loader

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-02-24 14:27:42
May 2002 Discuss this Article Introduction The packaging mechanisms defined in Chapter 8 of the J2EE 1.3 specification provide a framework for pulling together all the pieces of a J2EE application. However, application server vendors are free to design a proprietary class loading hierarchy for obtaining the classes and resources found in an application. A class loading hierarchy is typically used to enable features such as hot redeployment and application independence. Understanding the class loading architectures of major application server vendors helps J2EE developers design application


假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-02-08 06:22:48
WAS 缓存导致修改文件不生效问题: 解决方法: 一、修改 web.xml 文件,需要修改以下三个目录下的文件: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/ c e l l 名 / a p p l i c a t i o n s / {cell 名}/applications/ c e l l 名 / a p p l i c a t i o n s / {应用名}.ear/deployments/ 应 用 名 / {应用名}/ 应 用 名 / {应用名}.war/WEB-INF /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/ c e l l 名 / a p p l i c a t i o n s / {cell 名}/applications/ c e l l 名 / a p p l i c a t i o n s / {应用名}.ear/deployments/ 应 用 名 / {应用名}/ 应 用 名 / {应用名}.war/WEB-INF /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/ c e l l 名 / {cell 名}/ c e l l 名 /