
APNS server responds with status 8-invalid-token, but devices are being registered properly

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-24 08:30:26
问题 I am implementing passbook funcationality for my iOS app. I am using php as server side language to generate pass and distribute to devices. Passes are being successfully installed on the device and I am also able to update pass manually using pull to referesh. When I try to update pass automatically from server side I get the response status 8-invalid-token with message "Identifier is the rowID(index) in the database that caused the problem. Apple will disconnect you.....". I don't get why

Safari cannot download passbook file .pkpass

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-13 15:53:02
问题 I've got a link on a web page that should enable users to download a passbook file from a link, however when clicking on the link in Safari on an iPhone, I get the following error message: Safari cannot download this file. I have read similar Q&As on here, and the MIME type is set to application/vnd.apple.pkpass . The file can be downloaded on a Windows phone. Any suggestions on why this is the case and how to resolve this so users can access the passbook file? The pkpass contains the

How to create “Add to apple wallet” button using PKAddPassButton for passes with localisation

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-13 03:52:12
问题 In my iOS project I have a screen which allows the user to create apple passes and add it to the wallet. Apple recommends creating "Add to apple wallet" button using PKAddPassButton. When I tried creating apple pass using following code: let passButton = PKAddPassButton(addPassButtonStyle: PKAddPassButtonStyle.black) passButton.frame = CGRect(x:45.0, y: 340.0, width: 320, height: 50) view.addSubview(passButton) Button has got couple of issues: Wallet image is not visible. Even after changing

What behaviour is pereferable for Apple Pay button if no cards in the wallet?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-11 17:12:59
问题 I was looked through the apple guidelines but did not found anything about this question. Additional info: I have added Apple Pay button to app and hide it if there are no capabilities (e.g., cards) to pay with. But customer does not like it and wants some other approach. I think we may open wallet like asking user to add a card, but I am not sure what Apple guidelines think about it. Is there any explicit recommendation about it? 回答1: Here is Apple's guidelines on implementing Apple Pay.

Apple Wallet Passes : Update Calls trigger

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-11 15:27:33
问题 There are numerous articles on "how to implement update service" is already present. However, I have serious question below: when will pass get updated technically? what is the trigger for updating? When will be passbook's update service be called? when update push notification is clicked by user when pass is opened by user silently done in background when automatic update is off and user opens a pass Please help 回答1: Pass updates can be initated in one of two ways: The users does a pull-to

Apple Wallet NFC-Enabled Pass use cases

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-11 06:35:27
问题 We are trying to bring Apple Wallet NFC-Enabled Pass based loyalty card program to a territory without Apple Pay support. In order to build a strong use case for Apple representatives we are trying to gather a list of merchants who are using Apple Wallet NFC-Enabled Passes without supporting Apple Pay. Both in territories with Apple Pay and without. Is it possible to support Apple Wallet NFC Passes without supporting Apple Pay? If yes, an example of someone doing it would be greatly

how to call the apple wallet from ios app using swift

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-10 12:06:19
问题 I want to display apple wallet add cards page whenever user clicks the add cards to wallet button in my ios app. how to call the apple wallet from ios app. I enabled wallet capabilities in my ios app and also generate the wallet entitlements to my app. How to use PKAddPaymentPassViewControler using swift. please give some idea about it 回答1: NOTE: This is for Card Issuers only. If you want to redirect a user to add a payment method, use the openPaymentSetup method. See my answer here for more

Generate Apple Passbook Coupon/S-MIME Signature in Visual Studio

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-08 01:06:46
问题 I am trying to create a Apple wallet passes in my system, after reading Different S/MIME signature between OpenSSL and C# and Apple Passbook coupons from C#, the system can create .pkasss automatically now. And my problem is signature cannot create successfully in actual . If I using iPhone and try to open the .pkpass file, it can't be open!! I find out that is the problem is coming form signature, if I using mac to create a signature in terminal, it create a 3326bytes size signature; my code

Apple Pay In-App Provisioning Card

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-06 14:19:49
问题 I am developing an App that allows a user to Add Cards a payment pass in the Wallet via the App. In order to do this, you must be request Apple to add the following entitlement I'm also using "com.apple.developer.payment-pass-provisioning" these entitlements in my app Apple granted this entitlement for my team ID modified my provisioning profile with this entitlement enabled. Trying to invoke the Add card screen in the Wallet app from My application using the below code

Apple Pay In-App Provisioning Card

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-04 19:36:38
I am developing an App that allows a user to Add Cards a payment pass in the Wallet via the App. In order to do this, you must be request Apple to add the following entitlement I'm also using "com.apple.developer.payment-pass-provisioning" these entitlements in my app Apple granted this entitlement for my team ID modified my provisioning profile with this entitlement enabled. Trying to invoke the Add card screen in the Wallet app from My application using the below code PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration *request; request.cardholderName = @"xxxxxxxx"; request.primaryAccountSuffix = @"xxxx";