[译]Vulkan教程(17)帧缓存 Framebuffers 帧缓存 We've talked a lot about framebuffers in the past few chapters and we've set up the render pass to expect a single framebuffer with the same format as the swap chain images, but we haven't actually created any yet. 我们在过去的章节谈论过很多次帧缓存了,我们已经设置了render pass,希望有一个帧缓存with与交换链image相同的格式,但是我们还没有创建帧缓存。 The attachments specified during render pass creation are bound by wrapping them into a VkFramebuffer object. A framebuffer object references all of the VkImageView objects that represent the attachments. In our case that will be only a single one: the color attachment.