

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-26 22:47:29
一、管理数据的两种方式 1.1 数据卷 容器内的数据直接映射到本地主机中。 1.2 数据卷容器 使用特定容器维护数据卷,让其在容器和主机、容器和容器之间共享数据。 二、数据卷 2.1 特性 可以在容器之间共享 对数据卷内的数据会立刻生效 对数据卷的更新不会影响镜像 数据卷会一直存在,直到卸载它 2.2 创建数据卷 使用volume子命令创建数据卷,存放在/var/lib/docker /volumes路径下 $docker volume create –d local test $ls –l /var/lib/docker /volumes #除此之外还有如下子命令 $docker volume inspect 查看详细信息 $docker volume ls 列出已有数据卷 $docker volume prune 清理无用数据卷 $docker volume rm 删除数据卷 2.3 绑定数据卷 将本地主机的任意路径挂载到容器中做数据卷称为绑定数据卷。 使用-mount选项在创建容器 $docker run –d –P –name web –mount type=bind,source=/webapp,destination=/opt/webapp training/webapp python app.py #上一条命令相当于如下使用-v命令指定目录 $docker run

How to set the volume via commandline on recent VLC versions?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-24 02:55:07
问题 I've been trying, without success, to set the volume in VLC [2.2.1] via terminal, on Ubuntu. The parameter --volume doesn't exist anymore ( Warning: option --volume no longer exists ), and I can't find anything in the help which has "volume" in it. The documentation (https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Advanced_Use_of_VLC/) is outdated, as it still has the --volume option in it. Is it still possible? 回答1: Tested on MacOS using VLC 3 /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC --auhal-volume

iPhone how hide volume overlay when press volume key

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-22 16:28:13
问题 I have do lots to solve it,like add MPVolumeView,someone says that system volume HUD will hide if you add a instance of MPVolumeView in current,but that not work i add obsever to observe the volume's change,and take picture but now i lost in how hide the volume HUD I had tried the solution that add MPVolumeView instance but won't WORK please give me another way to solve it Any suggestions would be appreciated. 回答1: You need to put volume overlay like this: MPVolumeView *volumeView = [

Volume of a 3D closed mesh car object

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-21 07:16:12
问题 I have a 3D closed mesh car object having a surface made up triangles. I want to calculate its volume, center of volume and inertia tensor. Could you help me Regards. George 回答1: For volume... For each triangular facet, lookup its corner points. Call 'em P,Q,R. Compute this quantity (I call it "partial volume") pv = PxQyRz + PyQzRx + PzQxRy - PxQzRy - PyQxRz - PzQyRx Add these together for all facets and divide by 6. Important! The P,Q,R for each facet must be arranged clockwise as seen from

介绍Oracle ACFS和Oracle ADVM

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-19 17:43:42
Introducing Oracle ACFS and Oracle ADVM ASM集群文件系统(Oracle ACFS)和ASM动态卷管理器(Oracle ADVM)提供了存储管理的关键组件。 本章描述了Oracle自动存储管理集群文件系统(Oracle ACFS)和Oracle ASM动态卷管理器(Oracle ADVM)的组成部分。 本章通过以下主题提供了Oracle ACFS和Oracle ADVM特性的概念和概述: Oracle ACFS概述 理解Oracle ACFS的概念 了解Oracle ACFS管理 ASM动态卷管理器概述 Overview of Oracle ACFS Oracle ACFS概述 Oracle自动存储管理集群文件系统(Oracle ACFS)是一种多平台、可伸缩的文件系统和存储管理技术,它扩展了Oracle自动存储管理(Oracle ASM)功能,支持所有客户文件。 Oracle ACFS支持Oracle数据库文件和应用程序文件,包括可执行文件、数据库数据文件、数据库跟踪文件、数据库警报日志、应用程序报告、BFILEs和配置文件。 其他受支持的文件包括视频、音频、文本、图像、工程绘图和所有其他通用应用程序文件数据。 Oracle ACFS遵循针对Linux和UNIX的POSIX标准,以及针对Windows的Windows标准。 Oracle


若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-17 17:29:55
一、Docker架构原理介绍 Docker使用了C/S架构,客户端与守护进程通信,Docker守护进程负责构建,运行和分发Docker容器。Docker客户端和守护进程可以在同一个系统上运行,也可以将Docker客户端连接到远程Docker守护进程。Docker客户端和守护进程使用REST API通过UNIX套接字或网络接口进行通信。 二、Docker介绍 Docker的英文翻译是”搬运工“的意思,他搬运的东西就是我们常说的集装箱Container,Container里面装的是任意类型的App,我们的开发人员可以通过Docker 将App变成一种标准化的、可移植的、自管理的组件,我们可以在任何主流的操作系统中开发、调试和运行。Docker和虚拟机比较类似,只是更加轻量级,更加方便使用。 1、Docker和虚拟机区别: 虚拟化技术依赖的是物理CPU和内存,是硬件级别的;而Docker是构建在操作系统层面的,利用操作系统的容器化技术,所以Docker同样的可以运行在虚拟机上面。 虚拟机中的系统就是我们常说的操作系统镜像,比较复杂;而Docker比较轻量级,我们可以使用Docker部署一个独立的Redis,就像类似于在虚拟机当中安装一个Redis应用,但是我们用Docker部署的应用是完全隔离的。 在传统的虚拟化技术是通过快照来保存的;而Docker引用了类似于源码的管理机制

Html audio volume adjustment

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-01-17 06:39:06
问题 I am trying to autoplay a background music to my website and start it playing at 10% volume. This is my code: <audio id="bgAudio" autoplay src="music.mp3" volume="0.1"></audio> This doesn't work for me. I've searched other ways on the internet but none of them worked. Can anyone help me? 回答1: You have to use Javascript to modify the volume after defining it because volume isn't a valid property for the audio tag. It SHOULD be IMO but it isn't. Try this: <audio autoplay id="bgAudio"> <source

How to catch Longpress and call the standard action on KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-01-15 11:43:10
问题 I want the users to be able to longpress the volumeUp hardware button for skipping a song, and do the regular volumeUp action on a short press. I'm able to differentiate between both (I found this solution, working with flags between onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress and onKeyUp) but I'm wondering if I can still call the standard/super action when the volume up button has been pressed. I can't seem to figure out when the volumeUp action is being called (in the onKeyDown- or onKeyUp-event) and where

How to catch Longpress and call the standard action on KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP?

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-15 11:42:28
问题 I want the users to be able to longpress the volumeUp hardware button for skipping a song, and do the regular volumeUp action on a short press. I'm able to differentiate between both (I found this solution, working with flags between onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress and onKeyUp) but I'm wondering if I can still call the standard/super action when the volume up button has been pressed. I can't seem to figure out when the volumeUp action is being called (in the onKeyDown- or onKeyUp-event) and where

How do I manage the audio output levels with PJSUA2 for Android

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-15 05:27:26
问题 I have an Android project that uses PJSUA2 for VoIP communication and everything else works just fine. I am stymied however, with a problem where I cannot get the Volume controls to work in the Activity where my active call is shown. I have tried doing it the recommended way - audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE); setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); This doesn't do anything. I need to know if using OnKey Listeners is a feasible alternative to manually