
Android vimeo video uploading

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-02-23 06:04:21
问题 How to upload video using vimeo SDK com.vimeo.networking:vimeo-networking ? In the documentation and example project there is no example how to upload video. Also methods VimeoClient.getInstance().putContent and VimeoClient.getInstance().postContent are not documented. I've implemented method: VimeoClient.getInstance().postContent(videoUri, CacheControl.FORCE_CACHE, null, new ModelCallback<Video>(Video.class) { @Override public void success(Video video) { toast("Staff Picks Success! " + video

Vimeo CORS Issue

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-02-03 16:30:40
问题 I am trying to upload a video to Vimeo via Ajax but I am running into CORS problems with Firefox. Here is the code I am using. It is only at the last stage of posting the file does CORS protection prevent the upload. I have checked the headers and Cross Origin is set correctly. $.ajax({ url:'', crossDomain:true, headers:{Authorization: 'bearer ',Accept:'application/vnd.vimeo.*+json;version=3.2'}, error:function(){ videoError('Couldn\'t get a quota'); }, success

How to Hide Vimeo Controls

孤人 提交于 2020-01-20 16:58:44
问题 Our students are provided with video tutorials using Vimeo. Once a student was done with watching the videos, s/he is presented with some quizzes. What we discovered was that the students would use fast Forward control to move the slider forward to shorten the time it takes to watch the videos. We want to stop that and we are wondering if there is a way to either disable or hide the fast Forward control so students are no longer able to move forward to shorten the video time. Thanks for your

How to know when video conversion is completed?

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-06 08:33:05
问题 I have successfully uploaded a video to Vimeo using the API, but after that It will take some time for video conversion.. Is there a way to check if video conversion has completed using the API? I am looking for something like a callback URL.. 回答1: Currently the API does not perform a callback or push notification when an upload has completed video transcoding. Instead, you'll need to periodically make requests to the API to get the video's status. To get a video's status, make a filtered

Upload thumbnail image to vimeo via api call c#

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-06 03:24:27
问题 I am trying to set the thumbnail for a pull video upload done through the vimeo api. I am developing this for a c# windows service and please note that there are no official libraries for this. For the moment I use this library. I am able to successfully upload the video by following the vimeo documentation, however, when I try to upload an image to be the thumbnail of a video I get an issue. According to the vimeo picutre upload documentation, in step 2, i need to upload my thumbnail image

How to make API request to get private Vimeo videos in Objective-C?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-30 11:12:07
问题 I'm developing an iOS application to play private Vimeo videos. Private videos are given privacy of hiding videos from Vimeo website and given domains so that those videos only will be bought and played in my websites. I have Vimeo PRO account. I am using VIMNetworking SDK and make authentication in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() by using client details I got creating app at Now I have to make API request to get direct video urls. I don't know how to achieve