
Alternative to GoSub in VB.net

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-02 08:54:33
问题 I'm assigned a project to replace all the GoSubs in an application based off of VBA because this application is switching to VB.net and GoSubs are not supported there. Here's a simplified version of the original code: Sub Main () Dim A As String ... If ConditionX Then A = "Black" Else A = "White" End If ... GoSub Execute ... Execute: Call BuiltInSub1 (A) Call BuiltInSub2 (A) 'where BuiltInSubs are some predefined procedures within the application ... Return End Sub I'm thinking about using a

Drop Down in VB.NET

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-02 07:51:27
I have a small requirement and that is: There are two combo boxes on a form and for populating the employee names and roles. I am populating the combo boxes as follows: I have created a class called "DbConnect" and in that there are 02 functions as: Public Function getEmployees() As DataTable Dim employeeDS As New DataSet Dim employeeDA As New SqlDataAdapter("prc_emp_list", conn) employeeDA.Fill(employeeDS, "employees") Return employeeDS.Tables("employees") End Function Public Function getRoles() As DataTable Dim roleDS As New DataSet Dim roleDA As New SqlDataAdapter("prc_role_list", conn)

upgrade program for converting vb6 app to C#

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-02 07:29:38
What is the best pathway to achieve this? I know that VS2005 contains an upgrade mechanism. Do any later versions of VS contain this? Microsoft has devoted a site to VB6->.NET migration . They recommend a Free tool from ArtInSoft. However I'm not sure I'd like to maintain a .NET application written in VB6-style. But on the other hand a tool could give you a good start and you can refactor the result where the tool does not produce code of your liking. In the latest release of Visual Studio, the VB6 Migration wizard is now missing from the IDE. A good external tool to perform a migration is

Alternative to GoSub in VB.net

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-02 03:59:54
I'm assigned a project to replace all the GoSubs in an application based off of VBA because this application is switching to VB.net and GoSubs are not supported there. Here's a simplified version of the original code: Sub Main () Dim A As String ... If ConditionX Then A = "Black" Else A = "White" End If ... GoSub Execute ... Execute: Call BuiltInSub1 (A) Call BuiltInSub2 (A) 'where BuiltInSubs are some predefined procedures within the application ... Return End Sub I'm thinking about using a Call to replace GoSub as follows: Sub Main () Dim A As String If ConditionX Then A = "Black" Else A =

Utility to Convert Legacy VB6 Function Calls to .NET [closed]

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-02 01:10:33
I am looking for a utility/tool to convert calls to legacy VB6 functions to the .NET equivalent. For example, it would convert this... FormatCurrency(Cart.TotalAmount) Len(Str) UCase(Str) UBound(PaymentsArray) To this... Cart.TotalAmount.ToString("c") Str.Length Str.ToUpper() PaymentsArray.Length - 1 Does anybody know of one, or am I going to have to roll my own? Do you need a conversion for those functions? The vb6 functions work just fine in vb.net. MarkJ If your code is already converted to working VB.Net, why not just leave the calls as they are? The routines are in Microsoft.VisualBasic

Upgrading a large VB6 app to .NET. Opinions on VB Migration Partner

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-01 20:24:28
I have a really large VB6 code base with a ton of 3rd party controls. Want to move it to .NET. Rewriting it is out of question - the client sees no value in spending money to get the same thing. Moving to .NET with the built-in upgrade wizard is basically a non-starter. Has anyone tried the VB Migration Partner from http://www.vbmigration.com/ If so, what have been the experiences like? I am the lead author of the VB Migration Partner tool (featured at www.vbmigration.com). In general we answer very quickly to all requests coming from existing or potential customers. I am sorry if found it

VB6 Format function: analog in .NET

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-01 18:32:06
There is String.Format function that is referred to in the documentation as the analog for Format function from VB6. There's also Format function from VisualBasic namespace that is provided for compatibility and basically has same powers as String.Format . Indeed, those two format dates and numbers. But VB6's function was also able to format strings: ? format$("hi there", ">") HI THERE ? format$("hI tHeRe", "<") hi there ? format$("hi there", ">!@@@... not @@@@@") HI ... not THERE String.Format is not able to do that, as far as I'm concerned, nor is the new Format . I also couldn't find any

VB6 code upgrade [duplicate]

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-01 13:28:05
Possible Duplicate: Best Strategy for moving from VB6 to .NET Conversion tool comparisons for visual basic 6.0 Is there a good tool anyone can recommend to convert a commercial VB6 application into a VB.NET application. I have discovered some free ones and some commercial one's, but can't find any reviews and opinions of developers who have tried and failed or tried and succeeded. What are the complexities involved? I know that .NET uses managed code and multi threaded apartments etc whereas VB6 is based on COM. Don't do it. Don't convert. Do a re-write. Sorry, but even though the code CAN be

VB6 code upgrade [duplicate]

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-01 11:39:10
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Best Strategy for moving from VB6 to .NET Conversion tool comparisons for visual basic 6.0 Is there a good tool anyone can recommend to convert a commercial VB6 application into a VB.NET application. I have discovered some free ones and some commercial one's, but can't find any reviews and opinions of developers who have tried and failed or tried and succeeded. What are the complexities involved? I know that

Property/Method Descriptions for COM Libraries

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-01 06:30:40
If you create a COMClass, I've noticed that the values in the XML Summary tag do not show in the object browser of VB6/VBA when you reference the resulting tlb file. Is there a way to have these values show up? Hans Passant No, 12 years of IntelliSense evolution prevents this from working. The XML documentation comments generates an .xml file that IntelliSense can pick up. In VB6/A, documentation is present in the type library with the helpstring attribute. For example: [ odl, uuid(2334D2B1-713E-11CF-8AE5-00AA00C00905), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVBDataObject :