
Get List<items> from Vaadin Grid

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-01-03 03:15:01
问题 Problem: I have a Vaadin 8 Grid , and I can't find a way to extract the items inside of it. Description: Starting from a grid Grid<Pojo> myGrid = new Grid<>(); I've configured it so it can take data with lazy loading. myGrid.setDataProvider( (sortOrd, offset, limit) -> dao.getAllFiltered(offset, limit, filter), () -> dao.getCountAllFiltered(filter) ); At this point, I want to extraxt all the items from the grid (for putting that into an excel), something like List<Pojo> list = myGrid.getItems

Vaadin what to add for version-control

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-12-30 03:43:51
问题 we are using Vaadin 14. Which folders in the project should we commit to the Version-Control? The folder node_modules is very large which is very time consuming, should we commit this? 回答1: node_modules directory should not be added to version control! package.json and package-lock.json keep track of npm packages and pin their versions. You may want to add these to version control, in particular, if you added any local package directly with npm. webpack.config.js is webpack configuration. You


拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-08-09 21:30:56
全文共2931字,预计学习时长9分钟 图源:Unsplash 离2020年已不足一个月,然而截至目前,Java依旧是世界上最流行的编程语言。它拥有一个巨大的生态系统,在全世界有超过900万Java开发人员。 虽然Java不是最直接的语言,但是您不需要从头编写Java程序。有许多优秀的Java框架可以编写在Java虚拟机上运行的web和移动应用程序、微服务和REST api。 自1995年推出以来,Java已被包括ESPN、SnapDeal、阿里巴巴等在内的134861个网站所使用。经过24年的发展,Java已证明其是定制软件开发的顶级通用编程语言。 Java广泛用于科学教育、金融、法律和政府工作等领域。在下面的饼图中,显示了Java在各个行业中的使用情况。 Java这种开源编程语言是面向对象的,旨在为应用程序开发人员提供一次编写即可在任何地方运行的自由(WORA)。这使编译后的Java代码能够在支持Java的各个平台上运行。 Java最新版本Java 13于2019年9月发布。根据TOIBE索引(通过排名最高的25个搜索引擎计算得来),Java综合指数排名第一。 截至2019年11月和2018年11月,各种编程语言的排名情况如下表所示: Java始终位于第一位,这使其成为有史以来最著名的软件编程语言之一。及时更新和发布新版本使Java成为不断发展、具有竞争力的编程语言。

Why the spring boot vaadin app can not run?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-08-08 05:42:31
问题 I just created a custom app via this. I wanted to create a spring boot app with Vaadin. But when I ran as a spring boot project I got this error. What is the reason I'm getting this error in a an empty project? I don't think there's a problem with Maven. This is the first time I've tried your promise. Thanks for the help. Here is the error log: _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __| |(_) _ __ ___ | |__ __ _ | |_ \ \ / / / _` | / _` | / _` || || '_ \ _____ / __|| '_ \ / _` || __| \ V / | (_| || (_| || (_

Why the spring boot vaadin app can not run?

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-08-08 05:42:13
问题 I just created a custom app via this. I wanted to create a spring boot app with Vaadin. But when I ran as a spring boot project I got this error. What is the reason I'm getting this error in a an empty project? I don't think there's a problem with Maven. This is the first time I've tried your promise. Thanks for the help. Here is the error log: _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __| |(_) _ __ ___ | |__ __ _ | |_ \ \ / / / _` | / _` | / _` || || '_ \ _____ / __|| '_ \ / _` || __| \ V / | (_| || (_| || (_

Dynamically-created content for download without writing a file on server-side in Vaadin Flow web app

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-05-23 10:21:05
问题 In my Vaadin Flow web app (version 14 or later), I want to present to my user a link to download a data file. The contents of this download may be quite large. So I do not want to materialize the entirety of the content in memory all at once. I want to produce chunks of content in series, feeding the download one chunk at a time, so as to minimize my use of memory. Imagine, for example, a large number of rows from a database, where we feed one row at a time to the download. I am aware of the

Vaadin14 Tooltip on Combobox Selection Mouseover

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-05-15 08:16:05
问题 I'm using Vaadin 14 + Java. I have a combobox with an enum as possible select items. I want to display the enum in the combobox as possible selects, but I want to show the longer attribute "name" on mouseover / tooltip. I saw that there has been the same question for older versions of Vaadin (and there was no solution apparently) and was wondering if there is an option to do that by now. ComboBox ComboBox<MyEnum> cb = new ComboBox<>(); cb.setLabel("MyComboBox"); cb.setItems(MyEnum.values());

Understanding Vaadin Flow / Vaadin 10

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-05-10 14:58:06
问题 preamble: I'm an advanced Vaadin developer (I've used 6, 7, and now all my project are migrated to Vaadin 8). I'm starting to study Vaadin 10 / Flow, but I find myself in some hot waters. What I'm actually struggling with is the "project" itself. The more I deep into, the more I feel like this framework is moving into a css / html based framework, which requires more css/html knowledge than java. What I mean is that if you don't perfectly know how css and html works, you can't use this