
Loopback 4: Upload multipart/form-data via POST method

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-19 04:02:55
问题 I'm working in Loopback 4 and getting stuck in creating a POST method so that client can call this method and upload a multipart/form-data. I read some examples: https://medium.com/@jackrobertscott/upload-files-to-aws-s3-in-loopback-29a3f01119f4 https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-example-storage But, look like they are not suitable for Loopback 4. Could you help me to upload multipart/form-data via POST method in Loopback4. 回答1: Support for multipart/form-data was added to LoopBack 4

How to write/pipe to a virtual webcam created by V4L2loopback module?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-18 12:41:23
问题 I have written an application which reads from a webcam and processes the frames using OpenCV on linux. Now I want to pipe the output of my application to a virtual webcam that has been created by the V4L2loopback module so other applications are able to read it. I have written the application using C. I am not sure how to approach doing this. Could you please give me any hints? 回答1: I have found an answer in the old V4L2loopback module's page on Google code. http://code.google.com/p

Unable to route webcam video to virtual video device on Linux (via OpenCV)

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-08 14:07:06
问题 I would like to put a video overlay onto an incoming webcam stream via OpenCV. As a first step I'm trying to stream the incoming video from a webcam at /dev/video0 to a virtual video device at /dev/video1 (v4l2loopback). Unfortunately I'm not able to forward the webcam stream to the v4l2loopback device. I found this thread: How to write/pipe to a virtual webcam created by V4L2loopback module? but the links there didn't really help me. Getting and watching the stream from the webcam works well

How to catch stdout stream in ffmpeg then pipe it to v4l2loopback

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-02 01:59:35
问题 I'm trying to pipe my h264 stream to ffmpeg and then to my v4l2loopback device. Problem is that I'm fairly new to linux, so just can't get it working. The stream can be outputted to stdout, but I do not know how to catch it again with ffmpeg and then again pipe it to my v4l2loopback device. Does anybody know how this could be done or maybe a pointer on how to solve it? This is the capture program: PS! You can find the options for the capture program almost in the bottom of the code. /* * V4L2

How to catch stdout stream in ffmpeg then pipe it to v4l2loopback

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-02 01:37:22
I'm trying to pipe my h264 stream to ffmpeg and then to my v4l2loopback device. Problem is that I'm fairly new to linux, so just can't get it working. The stream can be outputted to stdout, but I do not know how to catch it again with ffmpeg and then again pipe it to my v4l2loopback device. Does anybody know how this could be done or maybe a pointer on how to solve it? This is the capture program: PS! You can find the options for the capture program almost in the bottom of the code. /* * V4L2 video capture example, modified by Derek Molloy for the Logitech C920 camera * Modifications, added

Loopback 4: Many to Many Relation

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-01 10:13:07
问题 I am trying to implement a way to filter data in tables which have ManytoMany relationship. I have following tables job, job_category and category. So far I am thinking in do a query to job_category using job_id and then use that result to add a condition using IN() but I do not find any way to impĺement this option either. Questions: How to implement ManytoMany relation in Loopback 4? How to filter a query using IN? PD I can use $inq for question number 2. filter.where = { ...filter.where,

How to write/pipe to a virtual webcam created by V4L2loopback module?

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-11-30 07:30:45
I have written an application which reads from a webcam and processes the frames using OpenCV on linux. Now I want to pipe the output of my application to a virtual webcam that has been created by the V4L2loopback module so other applications are able to read it. I have written the application using C. I am not sure how to approach doing this. Could you please give me any hints? user477519 I have found an answer in the old V4L2loopback module's page on Google code. http://code.google.com/p/v4l2loopback/source/browse/test.c newer link: https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback/blob/master

How do I add a delay to a live stream sourced from webcam (v4l2) with FFMPEG?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-11-30 06:08:20
问题 How can I use FFMPEG to add a delay to a stream being sent from a (v4l2) webcam to a media server? The use case here is something like a security camera where I want to be able to stream video to a server when something is detected in the video. The easiest way to ensure the event of interest is captured on the video is to use FFMPEG to stream from the camera to a virtual loopback device with an added delay. That loopback device can then be used to initiate live streaming when an even of