
Saving a Codable Struct to UserDefaults with Swift

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-19 04:43:08
问题 I am trying to encode a struct struct Configuration : Encodable, Decodable { private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case title = "title" case contents = "contents" } var title : String? var contents: [[Int]]? } into JSON to store in a local key of UserDefaults.standard. I have the following code: let jsonString = Configuration(title: nameField.text, contents: newContents) let info = ["row" as String: jsonString as Configuration] print("jsonString = \(jsonString)") //trying to save

how can i save checked rows of tableview in userdefault?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:28:27
问题 I'm facing the same issue as asked in this question: how can i store selected rows of tableview in nsuserdefaults in swift 3 However, I'm interested in knowing how to repopulate with the saved rows that have been checkmarked? Thank you! 回答1: Create a variable with didSet so that we can reload table once the value is assigned to it. var selectedRows: [Int] = [] { didSet { myTableView.reloadData() } } On viewDidLoad() assign value to selectedRows from userDefaults override func viewDidLoad() {

how can i save checked rows of tableview in userdefault?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:26:02
问题 I'm facing the same issue as asked in this question: how can i store selected rows of tableview in nsuserdefaults in swift 3 However, I'm interested in knowing how to repopulate with the saved rows that have been checkmarked? Thank you! 回答1: Create a variable with didSet so that we can reload table once the value is assigned to it. var selectedRows: [Int] = [] { didSet { myTableView.reloadData() } } On viewDidLoad() assign value to selectedRows from userDefaults override func viewDidLoad() {

SwiftUI: What is @AppStorage property wrapper

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-11-24 17:33:47
问题 I used to save important App data like login credentials into UserDefaults using the following statement: UserDefaults.standard.set("", forKey: "emailAddress") Now, I have come to know SwiftUI has introduced new property wrapper called: @AppStorage Could anyone please explain how the new feature works? 回答1: @AppStorage is a convenient way to save and read variables from UserDefaults and use them in the same way as @State properties. It can be seen as a @State property which is

UserDefaults insanity, take 2 with a DatePicker

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-04-30 09:18:00
问题 Progressing on UserDefaults insanity in SwiftUI, after a previous post on basic UserDefaults which basically exposed the need to use a String() wrapper around UserDefaults values... I am now stomped by the data flow : The idea is to present a DatePicker, set to a UserDefaults value registered in AppDelegate on first launch. Subsequently, the user picks another date that is set to the UserDefaults. But every time I launch the app after having "killed" it (i.e swiped up from app switcher), the

UserDefaults insanity, take 2 with a DatePicker

前提是你 提交于 2020-04-30 09:16:59
问题 Progressing on UserDefaults insanity in SwiftUI, after a previous post on basic UserDefaults which basically exposed the need to use a String() wrapper around UserDefaults values... I am now stomped by the data flow : The idea is to present a DatePicker, set to a UserDefaults value registered in AppDelegate on first launch. Subsequently, the user picks another date that is set to the UserDefaults. But every time I launch the app after having "killed" it (i.e swiped up from app switcher), the

Going crazy with UserDefaults in Swift[UI]

安稳与你 提交于 2020-04-30 07:03:23
问题 Launching myself into Swift and SwiftUI, I find the process of migrating from UIKit quite hard. Presently stomped by UserDefaults, even after trying to make sense of the many tutorials I found on the web. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here : VERY simple code to : register a bool value to a UserDefault, display that bool in a text ! Doesn't get any simpler than that. But I can't get it to work, as the call to UserDefaults throws this error message : Instance method 'appendInterpolation'