
How I can populate data in birt report by passing parameters in the URL

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-13 05:47:28
问题 I want to pass the parameters in the URL of the BIRT Report. In my reports there are 3 parameters like StoreId, fromdate and todate. I have also tried to write the code of beforeOpen Script of my dataSet in the Birt. Its is as : var store_id; var from_date; var to_date; store_id = params["Store_id"].value; from_date = params["fromdate"].value; to_date = params["todate"].value; this.queryText = this.queryText+" where STORE_ID = "+store_id+" AND TRANSFER_DATE BETWEEN "+from_date+" AND "+to_date

Is this JavaScript code safe?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-13 01:28:49
问题 I have found the following JS on the web. It is a function to get url params values. function get_url_param(param) { param = param.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]"+param+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec(window.location.href); if( results == null ) return ''; else return results[1]; } However always when I see a exec() function I think: Eeek! So my question is: is it safe? Side bet: If you think this function sucks and

Send URL parameters to api in xamarin API

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-12 21:03:29
问题 I am using xamarin for one of my chat application in college project in which I use URL parameters to send chat messages to API my problem is when there is a space in the message the URL breaks and application crashes. I want the solution in which I can convert those spaces to %20 standards so that API recognizes that it is a space. 回答1: You should search properly before you ask the question this solution is not just limited for Xamarin if this is your api link: "http://yourapi/chat?msg

Access url parameters of pwa address

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 10:46:45
问题 I am new to ionic 2. After a searching everywhere I can not find a direct answer given the following scenario: I am building a PWA with ionic 2 (because I will later develop hybrid versions of this app) the address where users will find and access my app will be a standard domain like https://welcometotheapp.com?viewid=0101018737abcdefg I am using ionic 2, recently installed on windows 10 I have started a new blank app project My question is NOT related to navigation. My question is how do I

Html Form Submit appends + (plus) in URL params

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-12 05:38:47
问题 I am having a simple form following is the code <form action="search.html" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-within-form""> <input type="hidden" name="within" id="within" value=""> <input type="text" name="q" value="" id="search-within" autocomplete="off" class="search-within-results inactive" title=""> <input type="submit"/> </form> I am entering test data for search in the field and click submit, in the URL I see is /search.html?within=&q=test+data+for+search But I need the url

How to send url paremeters to php server and get back response to android

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-12 03:18:53
问题 I'm trying to create a basic application where I want to send a request from android to php server like this: http://www.eg.com/eg.php?a=blabla:blablabla:bla. Then when i get this data I want do something like this: if(isset($_GET['a'])) { $a = $_GET['a']; $array = explode(':', $a); $data1 = $array[0]; if($data1 == "blabla") { Send response to android here.. } } The problem is that i dont know how to send data to and back from android to php server. I looked at many answers but most send json

Search URL parameters with Angular JS

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-11 18:49:22
问题 Say I have a URL like this: www.mysite.com?account=23&token=asdu756sdg65sdf Now, I need to access those URL parameters individually using Angular JS. I've tried using location.search inside my controller: console.log(location.search); Which nicely returns the full query string: ?account=23&token=asdu756sdg65sdf But it seems to return a string, not an object. Is there an easy way to access the individual ids and values in the string? I've also tried: console.log($location.search()); Which

Create a URL with credentials

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-11 16:58:36
问题 I would like to provide links to a website with the credentials already within the link. The link is: https://mychart.covh.org/MyChart/ The credentials are: Username = AllStarUser Password = FiveStarPassword I have tried https://mychart.covh.org/MyChart/?Username=AllstarUser,Password=FiveStarPassword and http://mychart.covh.org/Mychart/logincheck.asp?login=AllStarUser&password=FiveStarPassword but these don’t work. Any suggestions? 回答1: This is a POST form ( method="post" ). The form data has

How to get and pass URL parameters to classes in Laravel 5.1?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-11 12:19:20
问题 In Laravel 5.1's Routing documentation, it seems it doesn't tell how to get and pass URL parameters to classes. So how should we get route parameters from URLs? For example, using RESTful Resource Controller to update a user's profile, your app PATCHes ( POST actually ) to: /profile/10 So when inside the rules() method in UpdateUserRequest, how do you get the id 10 from the URL to validate user's email as unique from other users like this? public fnction rules() { return [ 'email' => 'uniqie

Rebuilding a URL without a query string parameter

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-11 10:42:49
问题 Let's say I have a page which lists things and has various filters for that list in a sidebar. As an example, consider this page on ebuyer.com, which looks like this: Those filters on the left are controlled by query string parameters, and the link to remove one of those filters contains the URL of the current page but without that one query string parameter in it. Is there a way in JSP of easily constructing that "remove" link? I.e., is there a quick way to reproduce the current URL, but