
XCode: 3rd Party Library Uses “uniqueIdentifier” Causing Apple to Reject Binary

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-12 05:22:24
问题 I receive the following error when I try and validate my binary file for submission to the App Store: "Non-public API usage: Apps are not permitted to access the UDID and must not use the uniqueIdentifier method of UIDevice. Please update your apps and servers to associate users with the Vendor or Advertising identifiers introduced in iOS 6." I've determined that the culprit lies in a 3rd party library I am using called, "libScannerKit.a". I am looking into whether the library has since been

How many bytes are unique enough for twitter?

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-12 03:43:32
问题 I don't want my database id's to be sequential, so I'm trying to generate uids with this code: $bin = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(12); $hex = bin2hex($bin); return base_convert($hex, 16, 36); My question is: how many bytes would i need to make the ids unique enough to handle large amounts of records (like twitter)? 回答1: You might considering something like the way tinyurl and other shortening services work. I've used similar techniques, which guarantees uniqueness until all combinations are

find unique file ID through powershell

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 19:34:40
问题 After modifying an existing file I would like to find out if the software used to modify the file created and saved the new file (discarding the old one) or changed the original file. Currently I'm using powershell with Get-ChildItem: Get-ChildItem D: -Force | Select-Object Name, CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Length This only works if the software in question didn't reapply the orginal CreationTime in the new file. If it did (like e.g. Excel does when editing existing files) the result would

Constructing all Wikidata triples in SPARQL that have to do with a certain identifier

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-11 16:16:21
问题 I am trying to return a list of triples by using a construct query in the Wikidata SPARQL query service. I want all triples of people who have a GTAA_ID identifier. In addition to this, of all people who have a GTAA_ID, I want all triples containing the person with a GTAA_ID as the subject + all combinations of predicates and objects. Take the following example: Tom Hanks has a GTAA_ID (identifier). Tom Hanks also has a lot of other statements and identifiers in Wikidata. I want to retrieve

uniqueIdentifier is called in chartboost

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-11 13:18:42
问题 In my app I use new Chartboost sdk 3.2.1 But still while i checked it for uniqueIdentifier it will give me error. Please help me to solve it to submit app on appstore. I just Find the class that use the UDID by (terminal in the project directory) find . | grep -v .svn | grep "\.a" | grep -v "\.app" | xargs grep uniqueIdentifier and get this in terminal Binary file ./libChartboost.a matches 回答1: After wasting 1.5 days finally I got solution and my application is now submitted to App Store.

The iOS 5 changed the uniqueIdentifier code?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 13:12:55
问题 The function [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier] Is deprecated in iOS 5 and I found the solution in this project using the MAC address: https://github.com/gekitz/UIDevice-with-UniqueIdentifier-for-iOS-5 Ok, it is solved. But now I discovery that iOS 5 CHANGED the format of code that uniqueIdentifier return. In iOS 4.x it is in this format: 93F38DEB-3C0B-5C09-B746-0DFDFDDB297C Now the iOS 5, the same function return in this format: 93f38deB3c0b5c09b7460dfdfddb297c Anyone know if the

retrieve SSH unique session ID

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-11 12:36:44
问题 I wonder if there is any way to retrieve, for both a server and a client connected through ssh (OpenSSH), some unique session identifier (let this be USID ). This would be used to restrict the execution of a specific (custom) software (let it be a.exe ), so it can only be executed through a specific ssh session , even if other users (potentially root) have access to that executable: after a ssh session is opened from machine C (client) to machine S (server), machine C (which knows the USID )

how to handle unique identifier values during SSIS import

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-11 11:07:34
问题 I'm trying to to import an excel file with a unique identifier column into SQL server but SSIS is giving me a lot of trouble. I can get the unique identifier values from excel into the OLE DB Destination component but i can't get them into SQL Server table. I get the error message below on trying to insert the unique identifier. NOTE: column CreatedBy is of type uniqueidentifier in the destination SQL server table. There was an error with OLE DB Destination.Inputs[OLE DB Destination Input]

Compare uniqueidentifier in where clause

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-11 09:27:20
问题 We have two tables : MainTable and CloneOfMainTable The structure of both tables is : ID : int Identity Primarykey Foo: nvarchar(50) RowVersion : uniqueidentifier We want to simply get the updated rows by comparing RowVersion and bla bla ... SELECT * FROM MainTable INNER JOIN CloneOfMainTable On MainTable.ID = CloneOfMainTable.ID WHERE MainTable.RowVersion <> CloneOfMainTable.RowVersion and it doesn't work ^_^" 回答1: There are no limitations on comparing uniqueidentifier values. As the column

ASP.NET Membership Provider: Defining a foreign key to aspnet_Users.UserName

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-11 06:49:33
问题 I'd like to setup a foreign key to a default membership table but I'm getting an error when trying to define it. I'm using the default aspnet_Users table and also my own Posts table. I'm trying to setup the tables as follows: aspnet_Users UserId (PK) uniqueidentifier UserName nvarchar(256) Posts PostID (PK) int UserName (FK -> aspnet_Users.UserName) nvarchar(256) However, when I try to set this up using the VS 2010 designer, it gives me the following error: The columns in table 'aspnet_Users'