
Confused in Activity diagram notation

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-14 06:57:12
问题 I have made an activity diagram for gym management, but i am facing a problem how will i connect Receptionist with Admin, According to requirement activity between Admin and receptionist takes place only through notification and i have made a signal and receptor for notification. Please also check if every notation is right and suggest me for modification? 回答1: I am sorry for not answering at once - several times had I looked at your picture, and, frightened, retreated. You really tried and

How to specifiy enumeration literal as default value in UML Attribute?

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-14 03:28:07
问题 I currently doing some model transformations using EMF-UML-Implementation. In my model transformation I create an uml class with some attributes. The attributes are type of enumerations I also created. Some of the attribute should get a default value. The default value should be enumeration literals. The question now is, how do I get the enumeration literals to the defaultValue -property of the Property . I already have found that I have to use ValueSpecification . But the UML superstructure

using Composite Pattern to count the number of people in the world

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-13 19:29:49
问题 I'm trying to make a Composite Pattern that counts the number of people in the world, the continent, the state... sorry no state but country my bad sorry Here is the pattern that I follow: I did this: but I am not sure it's right, because can I use leaf -> population ? Because when I did Composite Pattern for PC so its (PC= component from PC will be Cabinet = composite, from Cabinet will be HDD= leaf and Motherboard = composite, from Motherboard will be RAM = leaf and CPU = leaf). What I want

Create or build UML schema from Doctrine entity yml or Xml in symfony2

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-01-13 19:08:41
问题 I generated all entities in my symfony projects,can I have any idea or solution or software to create or regenerate a UML schema from doctrine entity generated on my project(xml or yml). 回答1: Using free tools, a way to do is to use the command phpuml -x 1 -o C:\symfony\httpfoundation.xmi C:\symfony\vendor\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation (this is a sample for generating the schema from symfony source code) Then using BoUml Viewer or ArgoUML for viewing the generated file. I tried


自作多情 提交于 2020-01-13 11:59:11
首先上图,根据图来学习: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UML结构: 图形 矩形(代表一个类) 类名(斜体字代表是抽象类,名字第一排如果有<< interface >>代表接口) 特性(字段和属性,前面的符号有含义,+为public,-为private,#为protected) 操作(方法和行为,前面符号的含义同上) 线条 实 线 + 空心三角(继承关系,继承箭头方向父类) 虚线 + 空心三角 (实现关系,实现箭头方向接口) 实线 +箭头(关 联关系,会引用到箭头所指类,“知道”有另一类) 虚线 +箭头(依赖关系,依赖箭头方向类,没有它就实现不了某些行为或者操作) 空心 菱形+箭头(聚合关系, 弱 拥有关系,类似 属性注入 对象,箭头方向类是原点类的一个组成,生命周期不同,与合成关系不同,连线两端的基数表示几对几的关系) 实心 菱形+箭头(合成关系, 强 拥有关系,类似 构造器注入 对象,箭头方向类是原点类的一个部分,它们生命周期都一样,谁离开谁都不行,连线两端的基数表示几对几的关系) 棒棒糖表示法(圆圈旁边就是接口名称,接口方法在矩形框里的操作里体现) 来源: https://www.cnblogs

Android: Creating UML from Android Java source code

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-13 10:35:07
问题 i am looking for a program that can create automatically an Uml from my Java-Android source code. I have tested ArgoUml, but it does not support Android. Have any one a suggestion? Thanks! 回答1: I can second what Tom Morris wrote in the comment above. Even ArgoUML should work. If you need improved (commercial) reverse engineering support you can try UML Lab - it can definitely read Java written for Android and has a free trial and free academic licenses (incl. support). If you have problems

Is it possible to generate a flow diagram from MatLab code?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-13 09:04:51
问题 I have inherited a MatLab project with a bunch of MatLab files I need to refactor. It'd help me a lot to be able to generate a flow diagram or similar. I've Googled it and found other people asking the same question years ago, but nothing recent that works. This is the most recent thread about it: I've seen there is some documentation about a tool to generate class diagrams from

《火球——UML大战需求分析》(第2章 耗尽脑汁的需求分析工作)——2.2 持续进化的客户需求

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-12 17:05:12
说明: 《火球——UML大战需求分析》是我撰写的一本关于需求分析及UML方面的书,我将会在CSDN上为大家分享前面几章的内容,总字数在几万以上,图片有数十张。欢迎你按文章的序号顺序阅读,谢谢!本书已经在各大网上书城及书店销售,欢迎你的关注。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第2章 耗尽脑汁的需求分析工作 摘要 :怎么又变了?当初就应该让客户书面签字 确认 !你可能会经常发这样的牢骚,可是就算客户书面确认,客户还是会“赖账”的! 软件 项目 的其中一项不变真理:人是会死的, 需求 是会变的!本章将会和你一起来体验软件 需求分析 工作的风风雨雨,找出需求分析工作的根本之道,了解 UML 如何帮助我们提升需求分析的水平。 2.2 持续进化的客户需求 你可能曾遇到过这样的情况:客户今天想要一个苹果,明天改变主意要一条香蕉,但后天突然又说还是苹果好,到最后他想要一个西瓜!遇到这样的情况,你会抱怨客户吗?你会后悔当初没有让客户签字 确认 吗? 楚国有人坐船渡河时,不慎把剑掉入江中,他在舟上刻下记号,说:“这是我把剑掉下的地方。”当舟停驶时,他才沿着记号跳入河中找剑,遍寻不获

《火球——UML大战需求分析》(第2章 耗尽脑汁的需求分析工作)——2.3 给客户带来价值,需求分析之正路

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-01-12 08:22:16
第2章 耗尽脑汁的需求分析工作 摘要 :怎么又变了?当初就应该让客户书面签字 确认 !你可能会经常发这样的牢骚,可是就算客户书面确认,客户还是会“赖账”的! 软件 项目 的其中一项不变真理:人是会死的, 需求 是会变的!本章将会和你一起来体验软件 需求分析 工作的风风雨雨,找出需求分析工作的根本之道,了解 UML 如何帮助我们提升需求分析的水平。 2.3 给客户带来价值,需求分析之正路 手机短信订餐系统 接下来我将会介绍一个手机短信订餐系统的故事,这是一个由真实个案改编的故事,通过这个故事来体会 需求分析 工作背后的道理。 某IT公司规模不大,员工100来人。公司有一个简单的定餐系统,员工每天可以在公司内部网站上提交当天午餐定餐,前台汇总各人定餐后,将定餐汇总传真给餐厅,餐厅根据传真送餐。 可是有这样的问题:部分员工因为上午请假或者外出工作,无法再网站上提交订餐,以至于中午回到公司时没有饭吃。 于是老板想出了这样的办法:做一个手机短信定餐系统,不在公司的员工可通过手机短信定餐。 于是成立了手机短信定餐 项目 小组,购买了手机短信收发的硬件,解决了选餐单、定餐、取消定餐等技术问题。但这个系统一会灵一会不灵,问题是出在 软件 、硬件,还是中国移动都难以搞清楚!做项目做麻烦的事情之一就是遇到“幽灵问题”,时而出现时而正常,项目小组挥汗如雨地试图解决这些问题,可一直没有办法搞定。

What is the difference between sequence diagram and communication diagram?

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-01-12 05:22:10
问题 Could anyone explain me what is the difference between sequence diagram and communication diagram? 回答1: Both diagrams give the same information, but the sequence diagram emphasizes time in its layout and the communication diagram emphasizes the objects that are communicating in its layout. Time is implicit in sequence diagrams (it is inferred by vertical position), while it is given explicitly in communication diagrams (via numbers). To quote Scott Ambler The main difference between