How to cover also the UIStatusBar with UIView when i cover all the screen with the UIView? (iPhone)
How to cover also the UIStatusBar with UIView when i cover all the screen with the UIView? I was battling how to do this for a long time too! Finally figured it out :) The key is to set the windowLevel of your new window to really high so it lives on top of all the other windows/views/statusbar etc: UIWindow *keyWin = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow; UIWindow *hudWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, keyWin.frame.size.width, keyWin.frame.size.height)]; hudWindow.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; hudWindow.alpha = 0.60; [hudWindow setWindowLevel:10000