
Cannot connect to Typo3 V6.2.1 backend on windows 7

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-24 01:55:05
问题 I have installed Typo3 on my computer (running on W7 with wamp) and I have some problem to connect to the backend. The installation process is working fine but when I try to connect, after typing my username and password the system displays "Verifying login data..." forever. I am sure that I have typed the correct information. I used PHP 5.3.28 (UI have tried with PHP 5.4.31 with the same result), apache 2.2.17 and MySQL 5.5.8. Could you please help me? Thanks, Manu 回答1: For me the problem

Nothing appears in Typo3 with powermail (Frontend)

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-24 00:15:05
问题 I need help with powermail. I'm using Typo3 6.2.4 and powermail 2.0.16. Something is wrong cause nothing appear in the frontend, but I don't what and I need some helps. I created a new root page with the basic template "HELLO WORLD!" (ID = 15). # Default PAGE object: page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = HELLO WORLD! In this template, I included two statics templates : "Main Template (powermail)" and "Add basic CSS (powermail)" After that, in the root page, I created the folder

TYPO3 can't enable htmlArea RTE

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-23 13:28:12
问题 I try to install the module htmlArea RTE in TYPO3 6.2 (The LTS version). In "Extension Manager", he's active, but in "Page", when I edit or create a new Text record, the WYSIWYG doesn't appear. I'm on Firefox but I tried on other browser and he doesn't appear too. 回答1: Please check in the module "User Settings" on tab "Edit & Advanced functions" if there is a checkmark at the option "Enable Rich Text Editor (if available)". I tried a fresh installation and had the same problem. After set the

Use other than primary key as RealURL id_field

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-20 07:29:47
问题 In a TYPO3 6.2 site, I have the following postVarSets in realurl_conf.php for an extbase extension: 'postVarSets' => array( '_DEFAULT' => array( 'wba' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_weiterbildung_pi1[item]' , 'lookUpTable' => array( 'table' => 'tx_weiterbildung_domain_model_item', 'id_field' => 'uid', 'alias_field' => 'kurs_titel', 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted', 'useUniqueCache' => 1, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array( 'strtolower' => 1, 'spaceCharacter' => '-', ), ), ), ), ), ), This

TYPO3: Add special menu CE and add class=“active”

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-13 23:25:48
问题 In TYPO3 one can insert a special menu as a content element, you can select about eight different ways to collect the menu. In the menu I selected there is no class assigned if the menu item is active, and I need to highlight it with CSS. And I'd like to know how to add a custom menu. Note: Once I did apply the solution supplied in my own answer I realized that the main difficulty was (and generally is in TYPO3) the caching, be aware to refresh frequently otherwise you'll never be sure what

Get uid of new record in hook processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-13 15:06:33
问题 When creating new database records, TYPO3 assigns them a temporary UID, which looks like this: NEW56fe740dd5a455.64167468 . The record gets its real UID when it is inserted into the database. In the above hook, the record is already inserted into the database, so it has a numerical uid assigned. How do I get that uid from a given temporary UID? 回答1: Ok, found it. The fourth parameter of the hook-method is the datahandler object, which has a property substNEWwithIDs , an associative array

The controller “X” is not allowed by this plugin

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-13 12:36:21
问题 I try to add a new controller which has one action called confirmAgbAction . <?php namespace Eddcapone\MyExtension\Controller; /** * CustomController */ class CustomController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController { /** * action list * * @return void */ public function confirmAgbAction() { echo "<p>HALLO WELT</p>"; } } I even added it to ext_localconf.php <?php if (!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) { die('Access denied.'); } \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility:

With TYPO3 be_layout, how to choose frontend template correctly (performance-wise)?

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-13 07:16:58
问题 In most of my sites, I've been using the following code to decide which template should be applied to the content rendering - based on what the editor has picked in be_layout : page.10 = TEMPLATE page.10 { stdWrap.if { value = 1 isInList.data = levelfield:-1,backend_layout_next_level,slide isInList.override.data = TSFE:page|backend_layout } template = FILE template.file = fileadmin/templates/main/tmpl/main.html ... } page.20 = TEMPLATE page.20 { stdWrap.if { value = 2 isInList.data =

How to define fluid template for grid elements?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-13 05:51:13
问题 At the moment I am using this TS to prepare my content from a grid element (https://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/gridelements): tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup { 1 < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup 1 { columns { 10 < .default 10.wrap = <div class="gefa">|</div> 11 < .default 11.wrap = <div class="gefa2">|</div> 12 < .default 12.wrap = <div class="gefa3">|</div> 13 < .default 13.wrap = <div class="gefa4">|</div> } } } Now I want to make a html template (fluid) with

How to access a method and pass an argument within the template?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-13 02:59:19
问题 In my template I want check whether an entity has a relation to another one. Meaning one object is in an attached Object Storage of another one. In the controller I can simply call: if ($product->getCategory()->offsetExists($category) { print 'In category ' . $category->getName(); } But I can't figure out the correct syntax in the template. I tried those without luck (both evaluate to true everytime): <f:if condition="{product.category.offsetExists(category)}">true</f:if> <f:if condition="