
bootstrap typeahead not populating with response from promise

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-19 06:24:10
问题 My bootstrap typeahead is as following: <input id="inputId" type="text" ng-model="selected" typeahead="name for name in getSuggestions($viewValue) " typeahead-on-select="typeaheadOnSelect($item)" ng-trim="false"> The getSuggestions() return a promise,like following: $scope.getSuggestions = viewValue => { let deferred = $q.defer(); getSuggestions(viewValue).then(words => { deferred.resolve(words); // array of strings }) .catch(()=>{ deferred.reject([]); }); return deferred.promise; }; NOTE :

Vue折腾记 - (3)写一个不大靠谱的typeahead组件

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-03-23 18:46:31
Vue折腾记 - (3)写一个不大靠谱的typeahead组件 2017年07月20日 15:17:05 阅读数:691 前言 typeahead在网站中的应用很多..今天跟着我来写一个不大靠谱的typeahead; 你能学到什么? 自定义事件 遍历的思想 功能细节的考虑 一切都挺不靠谱的…可完善的地方很多.废话不多说,看效果图 更新 2017-07-21: 完善逻辑及美化样式,所以效果图和代码都有所变动 效果图 这里写图片描述 有哪些功能点? 粗糙的模糊搜索 - 借助indexOf ESC和blur事件清除输入框,没有找到匹配的情况下 Enter默认在找到只剩下一个情况下选中 方向盘的上下(已经阻止光标的移动)选中子项,回车选中 鼠标点击选择子项 搜索框清空情况下默认不触发自定义事件值的返回 鼠标移动+键盘方向键移动位置的同步 placeholder及遍历数据data支持外部传入,也就是绑定props;前者字符串,后者数组对象 代码 typeahead.vue {{item.text}} 未能查询到,请重新输入! */ /*--> */ 总结 自此,一个挺粗糙的模糊搜索组件就完成了; 希望此文对于正在阅读的您有所收获~~ 有更好的方案或者实现方法的可以留言…谢谢 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaocongcong888/p/9414996.html

MVC 分页获取数据 及点选按钮

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-02-17 22:43:23
@model PagedList<Lyxm.Entity.Suggestion> @using Webdiyer.WebControls.Mvc <div> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li> @Html.ActionLink("基础维护", "", "") <span class="divider">-</span> </li> <li> @Html.ActionLink("特色互动", "") </li> </ul> </div> <div class="row-fluid sortable"> <div class="box span12"> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post"> @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @Html.ValidationSummary(true) <div class="box-header well" data-original-title> <h2><i class="icon-edit"></i> 特色互动主题详情</h2> <div class="box-icon"> </div> </div> <div class="box-content"> @*@Html.ValidationSummary(true)*@ <fieldset> <legend

Bootstrap - show all Typeahead items on focus

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-02-17 22:23:08
问题 I'd like to show all Typeahead items when the text-input (id="Questions") get focus. How can I do it? Javascript: function SetTypeahead() { $("#Questions").typeahead({ minLength: 0, source: [ "Q1?", "Q2?", "Q3?", "@4?" ] }); } 回答1: Get the latest bootstrap typeahead plugin v2.1.2 at https://raw.github.com/michaelcox/bootstrap/6789648b36aedaa795f1f5f11b4da6ab869f7f17/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js This update will allow minLength of zero to enable show all for typeahead <input id="typeaheadField"

Bootstrap - show all Typeahead items on focus

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-02-17 22:09:09
问题 I'd like to show all Typeahead items when the text-input (id="Questions") get focus. How can I do it? Javascript: function SetTypeahead() { $("#Questions").typeahead({ minLength: 0, source: [ "Q1?", "Q2?", "Q3?", "@4?" ] }); } 回答1: Get the latest bootstrap typeahead plugin v2.1.2 at https://raw.github.com/michaelcox/bootstrap/6789648b36aedaa795f1f5f11b4da6ab869f7f17/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js This update will allow minLength of zero to enable show all for typeahead <input id="typeaheadField"

Bootstrap - show all Typeahead items on focus

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-02-17 22:03:29
问题 I'd like to show all Typeahead items when the text-input (id="Questions") get focus. How can I do it? Javascript: function SetTypeahead() { $("#Questions").typeahead({ minLength: 0, source: [ "Q1?", "Q2?", "Q3?", "@4?" ] }); } 回答1: Get the latest bootstrap typeahead plugin v2.1.2 at https://raw.github.com/michaelcox/bootstrap/6789648b36aedaa795f1f5f11b4da6ab869f7f17/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js This update will allow minLength of zero to enable show all for typeahead <input id="typeaheadField"

how to format ng bootstrap typeahead results by numerically ascending

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-02-06 19:01:25
问题 I'm currently using ng-boostrap specifically the typeahead portion to display the results for my typeahead. Everything is working great except that i can't get it to format my results numerically to show the least amount to highest amount that matched. so if i had a list like this.. numbers = [12, 22, 43, 11, 1, 4, 77, 111]; I would want the 1 to pop up first and 11, 1111 after and so on... here is what my code looks like now... formatter = (result: string) => result.orderBy(numbers);

how to format ng bootstrap typeahead results by numerically ascending

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-02-06 19:00:04
问题 I'm currently using ng-boostrap specifically the typeahead portion to display the results for my typeahead. Everything is working great except that i can't get it to format my results numerically to show the least amount to highest amount that matched. so if i had a list like this.. numbers = [12, 22, 43, 11, 1, 4, 77, 111]; I would want the 1 to pop up first and 11, 1111 after and so on... here is what my code looks like now... formatter = (result: string) => result.orderBy(numbers);

typeahead.js onselect item redirect to new window

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-23 07:10:37
问题 I am use remote url with json response ( New typeahead.js) my javascript : $(document).ready(function() { $('input.country').typeahead({ valueKey: 'name', remote : { url : 'example.in/d.php?query=%QUERY', filter: function (parsedResponse) { var dataset = []; for (i = 0; i < parsedResponse.length; i++) { dataset.push({ name: parsedResponse[i].name }); } if (parsedResponse.length == 0) { dataset.push({ name: "No results" }); } return dataset; }, }, });; }) my json response : [{"name":"Nokia 110