
TreeView in Vue not rendering subfolder content correctly

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-08-10 19:17:17
问题 I'm trying to build a TreeView from scratch in Vue. This is my code so far. The first problem I'm encountering is that the content of the subfolders (like child folder 1 ) is not being displayed. The second problem is that minimizing the subfolders minimizes the whole treeview. Could anyone help me understand why these two errors in functionality are occurring and how to fix them? 回答1: your code only dealed with the first level of your folders, you should recursively revoke your tree

如何在框架中使用DevExpress TreeList和TreeListLookupEdit控件

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-08-08 18:45:04
DevExpress Winforms Controls 内置140多个UI控件和库,完美构建流畅、美观且易于使用的应用程序。DevExpress WinForm v20.1全新发布,想要体验? 点击下载>> DevExpress提供的树形列表控件TreeList和树形下拉列表控件TreeListLookupEdit都是非常强大的一个控件,它和我们传统Winform的TreeView控件使用上有所不同,我一般在Winform开发中根据情况混合使用这些控件,不过整体来看,基于DevExpress的TreeList和TreeListLookupEdit表现相对比较好看一些,本文主要介绍这两个控件在实际Winform项目中的使用处理。 DevExpress TreeList控件的使用 例如在菜单管理中,我们知道菜单一般情况下是层次节点的,我们为了直观显示的需要,一般把菜单用树列表控件进行展示,其中就会用到我们说的TreeList控件,如下界面所示。 其中TreeList和一个输入SearchControl来一起协同使用,可以提高界面的友好性,我们可以通过输入关键字进行节点的过滤显示。 如输入过滤内容后查询过滤树列表节点,如下所示,这样可以给用户快速模糊检索指定的树节点。 有了大概的感官认识,我们来了解下TreeList控件的使用情况。在菜单界面的设计视图下

How to toggle two images onClick

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-08-08 05:02:19
问题 I'm making a collapsible treeView. I made it all, I just need my + and - icons to toggle whenever they are clicked. I did the part when I change an icon from + to - , on click, with jQuery with the following code: $(this).attr('src','../images/expand.gif'); Problem is, I don't know how to make it go other way around, when i click on the node again :) 回答1: This should work: <style> .expand{ content:url(""); } .collapse{ content:url(""); } <

How to toggle two images onClick

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-08-08 05:01:21
问题 I'm making a collapsible treeView. I made it all, I just need my + and - icons to toggle whenever they are clicked. I did the part when I change an icon from + to - , on click, with jQuery with the following code: $(this).attr('src','../images/expand.gif'); Problem is, I don't know how to make it go other way around, when i click on the node again :) 回答1: This should work: <style> .expand{ content:url(""); } .collapse{ content:url(""); } <

How to toggle two images onClick

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-08-08 05:01:05
问题 I'm making a collapsible treeView. I made it all, I just need my + and - icons to toggle whenever they are clicked. I did the part when I change an icon from + to - , on click, with jQuery with the following code: $(this).attr('src','../images/expand.gif'); Problem is, I don't know how to make it go other way around, when i click on the node again :) 回答1: This should work: <style> .expand{ content:url(""); } .collapse{ content:url(""); } <


末鹿安然 提交于 2020-08-06 11:48:02
最近写了个专门爬百度的,后来又想爬京东的,还是采用上次的BeautifulSoup+requests模块 下面直接上代码,看不懂的可以看这篇文章或者注释来学习 很多人学习python,不知道从何学起。 很多人学习python,掌握了基本语法过后,不知道在哪里寻找案例上手。 很多已经做案例的人,却不知道如何去学习更加高深的知识。 那么针对这三类人,我给大家提供一个好的学习平台,免费领取视频教程,电子书籍,以及课程的源代码! QQ群:1097524789 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #written by DY # ########import############### import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #from openpyxl import *#写入表格使用,写入txt时报错 import time from tkinter import * import tkinter.messagebox from tkinter import ttk ########import结束############ #----------全局变量----------- https =


那年仲夏 提交于 2020-08-04 18:26:29
出处:脚本之家 链接:   注重代码书写的程序员应该是一个比较有修养的人,下面这些命名规则不一定要绝对遵从,但值得参考。在应用规则 时要进行合理的判断。 Pascal 规则(帕斯卡命名) 每个单词开头的字母大写(如 TestCounter). Camel 规则(大驼峰和小驼峰命名) 除了第一个单词外的其他单词的开头字母大写. 如. testCounter. Upper 规则 仅用于一两个字符长的常量的缩写命名,超过三个字符长度应该应用Pascal规则.例如: public class Math {    public const PI = ...    public const E = ...    public const FeigenBaumNumber = ... } 具体的规则总结如下: 类命名指导 - 类名应该为名词及名词短语,尽可能使用完整的词 - 使用Pascal规则 - 在适当的地方,使用复合单词命名派生的类。派生类名称的第二个部分应当是基类的名称。   例如,ApplicationException 对于从名为 Exception 的类派生的类是适当的名称,原因是 ApplicationException 是一种 Exception。 请在应用该规则时进行合理的判断。   例如,Button

Positioning and highlighting of TreeView node text with OwnerDrawText mode

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-07-30 10:34:09
问题 My Problem I'm trying to create a TreeView that will bold portions of node text that match a search term. My code was adopted from this question. I have the same/similar problem with or without an ImageList used, but I'll post the unused version here. When I render my text, I get something like this where the last part of the text is cut off, but only for some of the nodes. i.e. Version looks ok, but the rest have differing amounts of text cut off from the bounds. I think my TextFormatFlags

How to display only the filename in a JavaFX TreeView?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-07-30 04:20:16
问题 So i have figured out how to get all the files and directories and add them to the treeview but it shows me the complete file path: C/user/file.txt i just want the file or folder name and not the path. The code to create the list is as follows: private TreeItem<File> buildFileSys(File dir, TreeItem<File> parent){ TreeItem<File> root = new TreeItem<>(dir); root.setExpanded(false); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { buildFileSys(file,root); }


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-07-29 02:58:09
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