
PowerShell debug execution

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-10 22:11:41
问题 Trying to use module PSColor , I get the error Value cannot be null. Parameter name: command En línea: 39 Carácter: 9 + $steppablePipeline.Begin($PSCmdlet) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` as mentioned in PowerShell New-CommandWrapper : Supply values for the following parameters How can I trace execution of commands, to find the culprit and fix the problem? What I tried: I added Set-PSDebug -Trace 2 -Strict at the top of my profile.ps1 . Enabled line Import-Module PSColor in profile.ps1

python: Is there a downside to using faulthandler?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-04 10:39:20
问题 Python 3.3 includes a module named faulthandler that displays helpful traceback information if a segfault occurs. (For Python versions prior to 3.3, the module can be obtained from PyPI.) The module is not enabled by default. It is enabled like this: import faulthandler faulthandler.enable() This feature is very useful. Is there any particular reason it isn't enabled by default? Does it have any negative effects on performance? 回答1: This feature is very useful. Is there any particular reason

argparse.ArgumentError: argument --skip-checks: conflicting option string: --skip-checks

流过昼夜 提交于 2021-01-24 10:50:39
问题 I am working with django-tenant-schemas and when I try to use "migrate_schemas" command I encounter an error. I've seen similar questions here but they didn't help at all. I've tried this on two different apps but the result is the same. Does anybody know how to fix this? Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\DjangoNew\tenancy\", line 22, in <module> main() File "C:\DjangoNew\tenancy\", line 18, in main execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) File "C:\Users\asyey\AppData

argparse.ArgumentError: argument --skip-checks: conflicting option string: --skip-checks

二次信任 提交于 2021-01-24 10:48:28
问题 I am working with django-tenant-schemas and when I try to use "migrate_schemas" command I encounter an error. I've seen similar questions here but they didn't help at all. I've tried this on two different apps but the result is the same. Does anybody know how to fix this? Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\DjangoNew\tenancy\", line 22, in <module> main() File "C:\DjangoNew\tenancy\", line 18, in main execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) File "C:\Users\asyey\AppData

TypeError: coercing to Unicode, need string or buffer, NoneType found

北城余情 提交于 2020-12-08 10:26:36
问题 Currently writing a function for a program and one component is to search whether a single variables are being used within a python file. FUNCTION: def SINGLE_CHAR_VAR(python_filename): file = open(python_filename) lines = [0] SINGLE_CHAR_VAR = [] for line in file: stripped = line.strip('\n\r') lines.append(stripped) from utils import vars_indents variable_list = (vars_indents(python_filename))[0] for i in range(1, len(variable_list)): if len(variable_list[i][0][0]) == 1: SINGLE_CHAR_VAR

Pygame AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'copy'

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-07-18 16:14:27
问题 I encountered Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'copy' while running a pygame program. In my code, I never referred to a copy attribute, so I don't understand where the error is coming from. 回答1: I think there is a python file named "copy" in your directory. I had the same problem, after I delete the "copy" file, the error has gone. 来源:

Value error on Image field when trying to comvert model to dict

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-06-26 14:48:06
问题 I have 2 models, 1st is Garage class Garage(models.Model): name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('Garage'), max_length=200) @property def cars(self) -> list: from django.forms.models import model_to_dict cars = [] for i in Car.objects.filter( cars.append(model_to_dict(i)) return cars def __str__(self): return class Meta: verbose_name = _('Garage') My 2nd model is Car, class Car(models.Model): name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('Car Name'), max_length=200) garage