
Tizen wearable sensor data loss in background after wifi is switched off

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-12-04 11:59:01
问题 I am developing a hybrid application for Tizen Wearable 2.3. For the application, accelerometer and gyroscope sensor data is extracted and written to a file in native service application at a frequency of 100Hz. However, in certain trials I see that data is lost after few minutes upon switching off WiFi. For instance, if I record the data for 10 minutes, while keeping the app in background (display off) and turn off wifi during the fifth minute, the file shows data for only first 5 minutes,

Tizen wearable sensor data loss in background after wifi is switched off

99封情书 提交于 2020-12-04 11:55:22
问题 I am developing a hybrid application for Tizen Wearable 2.3. For the application, accelerometer and gyroscope sensor data is extracted and written to a file in native service application at a frequency of 100Hz. However, in certain trials I see that data is lost after few minutes upon switching off WiFi. For instance, if I record the data for 10 minutes, while keeping the app in background (display off) and turn off wifi during the fifth minute, the file shows data for only first 5 minutes,


假如想象 提交于 2020-10-16 08:16:38
华为高管表示最快在明年将推出搭载鸿蒙系统的手机,而近期业界预期华为明年推出的鸿蒙手机将是中低端手机。鸿蒙系统能否取得成功决定着华为手机能否走得更远,华为发展鸿蒙系统或许应该吸取下三星当年发展Tizen系统的教训。 三星的Tizen系统并非从零起步,它最早是自行发展bada系统,后来与诺基亚和Intel合作的MeeGo系统相融合成为Tizen系统,由此可见Tizen系统可谓集中了当时几家世界领先科技企业的技术合力而成。 不过诺基亚早在2012年被微软收购后就放弃了MeeGo系统,后来Tizen系统发布后不久Intel也放弃了,于是Tizen系统就仅剩下三星一家力推。然而三星自己也没有全力推动Tizen系统,它主要是在中低端手机搭载Tizen系统,而在中高端手机上还是搭载谷歌的安卓系统。 三星的智能手机出货量多年来曾保持在3亿部以上,即使它拥有如此强大的实力也不敢完全押宝自家的Tizen系统,随着安卓系统在全球智能手机市场的份额迅速扩大,三星为了保持自家在智能手机市场的领先份额优势最终不得不放弃了Tizen系统,目前Tizen系统主要用在三星的冰箱、穿戴设备等产品上。 华为的鸿蒙系统号称早在2012年就开始研发,然而至今尚未搭载在手机上,鸿蒙系统最早是在去年用于荣耀智慧屏上,这与当年Tizen系统诞生时相比无疑要弱小很多。 华为声称将在自己的手机、平板、穿戴和PC等产品上将应用鸿蒙系统

Tizen SDK: Can't find variable: tizen

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-07-18 06:52:27
问题 I'm trying to create a web-application using Tizen SDK. When I launch the app everything is fine but when I press a "Back" button on emulator nothing happens and I see a message: 55435/js/main.js:9:ReferenceError: Can't find variable: tizen I looked at main.js and there's a code: //Initialize function var init = function () { // TODO:: Do your initialization job console.log("init() called"); // add eventListener for tizenhwkey document.addEventListener('tizenhwkey', function(e) { if(e.keyName

geolocation continuely returning 'POSITION_UNAVAILABLE' in wearable app

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-06-29 05:57:32
问题 I've been trying to get a simple web app displaying geo coordinates and speed however I am receiving a 'POSITION_UNAVAILABLE' error every time. I've put the following permissions in the config.xml file; <feature name="http://tizen.org/feature/feedback.vibration"/> <feature name="http://tizen.org/feature/location"/> <tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/location"/> <tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/power"/> <tizen:profile name="wearable"/> <tizen:setting hwkey-event