
[App Store Connect帮助]六、测试 Beta 版本(3.2)管理测试员:邀请外部测试员

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-03-02 14:31:25
在您上传至少一个构建版本之后,您可以邀请外部测试员(您组织之外的人员)使用“TestFlight Beta 版测试”来测试您的 App。为了使您的构建版本可用于外部测试,请创建一个群组、添加构建版本,然后使用电子邮件地址邀请测试员或分享一个公开邀请链接。 必要职能:“帐户持有人”职能、“管理”职能或“App 管理”职能。请参见职能权限。 创建一个群组 在 首页 上,点按“我的 App”,选择您的 App,然后在工具栏中点按“TestFlight”。 在左列中的“测试员和群组”下方,点按“添加外部测试员”或“新群组”。 在显示的对话框中,输入群组名称并点按“创建”。 之后,您可以根据需要更改群组名称。 将构建版本添加至群组 在 首页 上,点按“我的 App”,选择您的 App,然后在工具栏中点按“TestFlight”。 在左侧栏中的“测试员和群组”下方,选择您想要为其添加构建版本的群组。 点按“构建版本”,然后点按“添加”按钮(+)。 在构建版本对话框的弹出菜单中,选择平台和版本。 在下表中,选择一个构建版本并点按“下一步”。 您一次只能添加一个构建版本,但之后还可以将其他构建版本添加至群组。 如果您还没有输入测试信息,请输入测试信息,比如您的反馈电子邮件和“Beta 版 App 审核”信息。 在“测试信息”对话框中,输入您希望您的测试员关注的内容。 或者,在指定语言的文本栏中


泄露秘密 提交于 2020-03-02 12:35:56
/*--> */ /*--> */ 一、测试工具介绍: 1、 TestFlight是苹果公司在iOS8,Xcode6推出来的新工具,用于将App beta版本进行流水化测试。TestFlight整合进了Appstore Connect,你可以通过电子邮件来邀请你的Beta测试成员,并且允许用户在app上架前做一个上架前的beta版测试。 二、内部测试操作步骤: 1、使用手机客户端下载TestFlight App 2、 在 iTunes Connect(iOS12更改为Appstore Connect)用户添加测试员 3、 打开用户和职能 4、 添加用户 5、 填写用户信息(姓名,电子邮件) 6、注意 用户职能涉及到管理权限( /*--> */ /*--> */ 管理,财务,App管理,开发人员,营销,销售,客户支持和报告 ) 7、填写协议,付款,财务报告,App状态报告 地区 8、接收苹果给测试者发送的邮件( 邮件过期比较快请告知测试者尽快查收,并请测试者在邮件链接中登录自己的Apple账号即可。如果测试者没有收到邮件请重新发送邮件,否则后面的步骤进行不了) 9、查收邮件并在链接中登录Apple ID账号,这样就可以添加测试员 (9.1)接收邮件,获取验证码 (9.2)打开手机TestFlight App (9.3)填写TestFlight App 验证码 (9.4


ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-03-02 12:30:37
假如你现在完成一个App的开发并准备进行真机测试,那么请问你会怎么做呢?难道是直截了当的把App扔到App Store上然后下载来试试?当然,如果你的App相当简陋,这么做的话无可厚非。不过如果你要做的是一款高质量的App并迫不及待的想发布出去的的话,我建议你还是在真正发布前好好的进行Beta测试。 Beta测试属于软件开发周期中的一环,在此之前你已经在模拟器和自己的真机上进行过测试。不过就算你是App的开发者,你也不能保证自己能揪出所有的bug,在Beta测试阶段,你可能会惊奇的发现bug多如牛毛。Beta测试通常只会面向你的一部分用户开放,他们可以是你的潜在用户、博客粉丝、同事朋友甚至是家人。测试的重点就是让一些活生生的人去使用你的App,不断测试然后反馈。你需要让你的测试成员发现尽可能多的bug,以便你在公开发布之前将其修复。 你是不是开始好奇如何给App进行Beta测试了?或者想知道在App Store上线之前怎么进行测试?还是说不知道测试用户该如何报告bug? 在iOS 8中,苹果发布了一个叫做TestFlight的新玩意,用于将Beta测试流水化。此前你可能听说过这个东西,因为TestFlight作为一个独立的测试平台已经有些年头了。不过在今年二月份的时候TestFlight的开发商Burstly被苹果收购,于是在之后公开发行的Xcode 6和iOS 8上

Not Showing update for internal testers in testflight for new build

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-02-27 14:23:10
问题 I have uploaded the new build yesterday , after accepting missing compliance option status of build is 'Testing' but still invitation is not send to internal testers and not even showing any update in testflight app for that build . I have added 4 testers for this build . Please refer screenshot for the same . 回答1: I got this from https://twitter.com/hashtag/testflight We can fix TestFlightApp new build issue by adding the "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" key in Info.plist (in my case set NO

After updating to Xcode 10.2 build gets black screen on testflight

北战南征 提交于 2020-02-24 08:16:34
问题 I had my app working perfectly. I've updated the Xcode to the latest 10.2 version and something weird happened (as usual with any update...) The app runs smoothly on the debugger. No issues at all! When I archive a version to testflight, that version shows the splashscreen then goes into black screen (without crashing) just stays in the black screen... does anyone know what might be happening here? thanks in advance 回答1: Because of iOS 13 and later, app launch different than earlier versions.

After updating to Xcode 10.2 build gets black screen on testflight

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-02-24 08:15:46
问题 I had my app working perfectly. I've updated the Xcode to the latest 10.2 version and something weird happened (as usual with any update...) The app runs smoothly on the debugger. No issues at all! When I archive a version to testflight, that version shows the splashscreen then goes into black screen (without crashing) just stays in the black screen... does anyone know what might be happening here? thanks in advance 回答1: Because of iOS 13 and later, app launch different than earlier versions.

Xamarin Forms error - 'You MUST call Xamarin.Forms.Init(); prior to using it' - TestFlight (iOS) only

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-02-03 08:42:11
问题 I've seen several other posts on SO and elsewhere about this error ( System.InvalidOperationException: You MUST call Xamarin.Forms.Init(); prior to using it. at Xamarin.Forms.Device.get_PlatformServices ), but none of them shed any light on my particular situation. I've created a Xamarin.Forms application that works great on Android (emulators and device, including when distributed through Google Play), and works fine both on the iPhone simulator and when provisioned to the iPhone. And when I

Xamarin Forms error - 'You MUST call Xamarin.Forms.Init(); prior to using it' - TestFlight (iOS) only

我们两清 提交于 2020-02-03 08:41:30
问题 I've seen several other posts on SO and elsewhere about this error ( System.InvalidOperationException: You MUST call Xamarin.Forms.Init(); prior to using it. at Xamarin.Forms.Device.get_PlatformServices ), but none of them shed any light on my particular situation. I've created a Xamarin.Forms application that works great on Android (emulators and device, including when distributed through Google Play), and works fine both on the iPhone simulator and when provisioned to the iPhone. And when I

Xamarin Forms error - 'You MUST call Xamarin.Forms.Init(); prior to using it' - TestFlight (iOS) only

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-02-03 08:40:09
问题 I've seen several other posts on SO and elsewhere about this error ( System.InvalidOperationException: You MUST call Xamarin.Forms.Init(); prior to using it. at Xamarin.Forms.Device.get_PlatformServices ), but none of them shed any light on my particular situation. I've created a Xamarin.Forms application that works great on Android (emulators and device, including when distributed through Google Play), and works fine both on the iPhone simulator and when provisioned to the iPhone. And when I

Apple association file fetched in development but not in TestFlight and App Store

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-02-03 08:06:25
问题 Universal links work perfectly fine in development, but once I sign the applications and deploy them to TestFlight and App Store, it looks like the apple-app-site-association is not fetched and therefore the app isn't registered for oppening the universal links. 1. /.well-known/apple-app-site-association file: { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [{ "appID": "myteamid.com.mycompany.appName", "paths": ["*"] }] } } The server part looks OK, since it is successfuly fetched whenever I run the