
Test Execute should be closed before continuing the installation

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-13 02:28:19
问题 I am trying to use Test Complete/Test Execute to install third party installs on a test machine. I have written a Python script that calls a PowerShell script and installs all .msi files located within a folder using msiexec . The command I use to call msiexec : Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList ("/I "$fullPath "", "/qb", "ALLUSERS=TRUE", "/norestart") -Wait All but one of my installs work. The one that is not working properly opens up and displays the following message: I'm

Save an image present in PDF on local File System

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-11 09:47:27
问题 This is my first experience of using PDFBox jar files. Also, I have recently started working on TestComplete. In short, all these things are new for me and I have been stuck on one issue for last few hours. I will try to explain as much as I can. Would really appreciate any help! Objective : To save an image present in a PDF file on the file system Issue : When this line gets executed objImage.write2file_2(strSavePath); , I get the error Object doesn't support this property or method . I am

How to find two web objects with the same properties using JavaScript for Test Automation

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-11 06:08:25
问题 I have this piece of HTML codes I need to find those 2 objects using JavaScript so I can click() it and write some text (Test Automation). The issue is the id is dynamically generated, thus can't be used because it keeps changing everytime the page loads. Now because the id can't be used , those 2 objects looks the same without any unique identifier. If I use this document.querySelector("input.value-restored[type='text']"); Then it will just find the first one. Any idea how can I hit both

How to export TestExecute/TestComplete results to teamcity?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-10 18:26:08
问题 I am using commandline build step in teamcity to run the testcomplete tests via a batch file.The tests are running fine,but I do not see any information regarding the passed/failed tests in teamcity. Basically TestComplete generates some log files after running the tests.But I am not sure how to get these files to teamcity and display it as test results. I tried to follow this http://community.smartbear.com/forum/post/?mode=singleThread&thread=ca03299b-97e2-47a7-b634-e0102c6f5761 , but it

Need to pass object and operation in a function that executes it

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-10 11:38:22
问题 I need to pass an object and its operation in a function so that each time I can call the function only and save me to write same steps for all the objects like validating the object before performing an operation. Similar way to a Register User Function in QTP/UFT. However, Testcomplete doesn't have this feature (atleast under my knowledge, would be happy to know if there is) This is my code that I am trying but unable to: Call OpenPageorTab("Aliases.Admin.wndMain.toolStrip", ".Visible")

How to capture a screenshot using VBScript in TestComplete?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 05:50:56
问题 I'm using TestComplete. I need to capture a screenshot and place it in a particular folder. How to do this using VBScript? 回答1: To capture a desktop screenshot, use the Sys.Desktop.Picture method. To save the resulting image to a file, use its SaveToFile method: Sys.Desktop.Picture.SaveToFile "E:\screenshot.png" Alternatively, you can turn on the Test Visualizer to automatically capture screenshots for your test actions. 回答2: Function CaptureScreenShot(ScreenshotPath ) 'Generate Name of the

getting a node's value from XML file in TestComplete

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-06 15:48:06
My XML file's structure is like this.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <atom:entry xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"xmlns:core="http://x.y.com/xy/xyz"> <atom:title>TestTitle</atom:title> <atom:link rel="a" href="$a_u"/> <atom:link rel="ot" href="$ou"/> <atom:link rel="db" type="app/c.d.p+xml" href="e.xml"> <atom:inline> <payload xmlns="http://www.yyy.com/xxx" model="https://xxxx.yyy.com/api/te/db/et/r1"> <field name="asset.title"> <value>DP</value> </field> <field> <value>xxx</value> </field> | | | </atom:inline> </atom:link> </atom:entry> I am trying to get the value DP of

How can I read diffgram file generated by XmlDiff.Compare()

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-05 22:36:17
I am comparing two XML files using XMLDiff.compare() Which I am using for the first time and unable to figure out what to do with the diffgram file generated to generate an HTML for the Difference in the two XMLs. bool bIdentical = xmldiff.Compare(originalFile, newFile, false, diffgramWriter); where original file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <testsOutputData> <TestName_AK1> <FeatureID ID="33B50792-207E514"> <Intance_ID_1 > <CommandString>ABC </CommandString> <ProductID>100000</ProductID> <ProjectName>No Project</ProjectName> <TaskID>TESTSUITE</TaskID> <Type>Local</Type> <User><

How do I run an app (TestComplete) as Administrator from the command line

梦想与她 提交于 2019-11-30 16:04:52
Scenario.... I am writing a powershell scrip to Automate some UI Testing, there are a bunch of things that I have to do re, checking code out of a repository, building, copying installers, then at the end I want to run TestComplete and test the installer UI... The Installer runs in elevated mode as it writes to program files, registry etc so, in order for my test script in TestComplete to see the msiexec process, TestComplete also needs to be run elevated. How do I do this from the command line? It does not appear that I can do this with runas, 1/ it just runs the app as the user (who has

How do I run an app (TestComplete) as Administrator from the command line

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-29 22:56:30
问题 Scenario.... I am writing a powershell scrip to Automate some UI Testing, there are a bunch of things that I have to do re, checking code out of a repository, building, copying installers, then at the end I want to run TestComplete and test the installer UI... The Installer runs in elevated mode as it writes to program files, registry etc so, in order for my test script in TestComplete to see the msiexec process, TestComplete also needs to be run elevated. How do I do this from the command