
Junit cannot delete @TempDir with file created by Spark Structured Streaming

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-10 14:10:16
问题 I created an integration test for my pipeline to check if the right CSV file is generated: class CsvBatchSinkTest { @RegisterExtension static SparkExtension spark = new SparkExtension(); @TempDir static Path directory; //this checks if the file is already available static boolean isFileWithSuffixAvailable(File directory, String suffix) throws IOException { return Files.walk(directory.toPath()).anyMatch(f -> f.toString().endsWith(suffix)); } //this gets content of file static List<String>

When does iOS clean the local app ./tmp directories?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-10 03:07:17
问题 When does iOS clean the local app ./tmp directory? Note that this is not a dupe of this question. I'm asking about the app specific temporary folder, not the system wide one. You can use iExplorer to have a look at ./tmp directories on non-jailbroken phones. (Note: I'm asking this out of curiosity only. I kind of suspect that these never get deleted unless you restore your phone from a backup or reinstall that particular app. But obviously you cannot count on that for semi-permanently storing

Create a temporary directory in PowerShell?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-09 07:41:08
问题 PowerShell 5 introduces the New-TemporaryFile cmdlet, which is handy. How can I do the same thing but instead of a file create a directory? Is there a New-TemporaryDirectory cmdlet? 回答1: I think it can be done without looping by using a GUID for the directory name: function New-TemporaryDirectory { $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() [string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name) } Original Attempt With GetRandomFileName Here's my

How to get pid of my make command in the Makefile?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-08 14:47:14
问题 I want to use a temp directory that will be unique to this build. How can I get the pid of my make command in the Makefile? I tried: TEMPDIR = /tmp/myprog.$$$$ but this seems to store TEMPDIR as /tmp/myprog.$$ and then eval as a new pid for every command which refs this! How do I get one pid for all of them (I'd prefer the make pid, but anything unique will do). Thanks in advance. 回答1: Try mktemp for creating unique temporary filenames. The -d option will create a directory instead of a file.

C# Best Practices: Writing “temporary” files for download: Place in applicaion's environment folder or temp folder

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-07 07:49:29
问题 Basically, I'm wondering if there is a best practice when it comes to the following issue of downloading files, not just for temporary use, but eventually to move them to the application folder. I'm faced with some options: //Option 1 - Random file String tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName(); WriteData(tempfile); File.Move(tempfile, Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, filename); //Option 2 - Temp Path + Random file name String tempfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path

Where is Bea Weblogic Work Folder

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-07 06:05:49
问题 I know that this may be a trivial question but I really cannot find the work folder in Oracle BEA weblogic 10.3. Unlike the Apache Tomcat where it is clearly in the work directory usually under WEB-INF. I already researched it on JavaRanch and it said that the directory is at: \bea\user_projects\domains\YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user\APPLICATION_WAR However, when I checked my directory, I only found the following path. \bea\user_projects\workspaces\default\<project base> I

Create directory inside NSTemporaryDirectory

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-07 06:04:21
问题 How can I create a directory inside NSTemporaryDirectory ? I tried something like: [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"/myTmp/"]; followed by the file name, but it didn't work. 回答1: Use NSFileManager to create the directory for you: [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"/myTmp/"] withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil]; 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6847788/create

How to create a temporary directory/folder in Java?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-06 22:23:02
问题 Is there a standard and reliable way of creating a temporary directory inside a Java application? There's an entry in Java's issue database, which has a bit of code in the comments, but I wonder if there is a standard solution to be found in one of the usual libraries (Apache Commons etc.) ? 回答1: If you are using JDK 7 use the new Files.createTempDirectory class to create the temporary directory. Path tempDirWithPrefix = Files.createTempDirectory(prefix); Before JDK 7 this should do it:

How should I handle exceptions in my Dispose() method?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-06 17:33:42
问题 I'd like to provide a class to manage creation and subsequent deletion of a temporary directory. Ideally, I'd like it to be usable in a using block to ensure that the directory gets deleted again regardless of how we leave the block: static void DoSomethingThatNeedsATemporaryDirectory() { using (var tempDir = new TemporaryDirectory()) { // Use the directory here... File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempDir.Path, "example.txt"), "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"); // ... if (SomeCondition) { return; } if

How to get a temporary file name?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-06 17:29:05
问题 I've seen some posts relating to my question, but none that address it completely. I need to create a file in the standard temporary directory and after I'm done writing to it, move it to a different location. The idea is that the file is considered temporary while being downloaded and permanent after downloading completes. I'm attempting this by calling either mkstemp or tmpfile, then rename after I'm done writing to it. However, I need the full path of the file to call rename, and