
TED1984-2019全部中英对照演讲稿集 学习英文演讲写作的好帮手

允我心安 提交于 2020-01-27 04:51:26
TED1984-2019全部中英对照演讲稿集 学习英文演讲写作的好帮手 一、TED简介: TED(指Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有 非营利机构 ,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“传播一切值得传播的创意”。TED诞生于1984年,其发起人是 理查德·索·乌曼 。2001年起, 克里斯·安德森 接管TED,创立了种子基金会(The Sapling Foundation),并运营TED大会。 每年3月,TED大会在北美召集众多科学、设计、文学、音乐等领域的杰出人物,分享他们关于技术、社会、人的思考和探索。 是英语学习爱好者、英语演讲的绝佳学习帮手! 二、演讲集视频下载: 本学习资料是重新制作,不但给视频加了中英文字幕、而且对重点的英语单词有解释!还配有可以打印的演讲稿、mp3录音,可以随时随地学习! 中英文字母对照视频、演讲文字、英文演讲稿中重要单词的注释: 下载地址(复制如下地址到浏览器地址栏打开): http://note.youdao.com/noteshare?id=1b5113a935a6951bd13da1024e1ce780&sub=FFE3C4A652ED40E0B87D8AB109AFE355 来源: CSDN 作者: chunlynn 链接: https:/


半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-06 11:08:53
2019年12月1日 星期日 传送: http://open.163.com/newview/movie/free?pid=MC82BCQAN&mid=MC8U8L3IB ted-如何掌控你的时间:时间有限安排在重要事情上(成功企业家不担心没时间+实验小组成员之一觉得有更重要事情,所以在实验上觉得没时间+一周148个小时算在工作上也就40个小时+当出现紧急重要事情时还是需要把时间花在上面-所以不是没有时间,而是没有把当前事情看得更重要+时间:【事业、情感、生活】) 2019年12月2日 星期一 传送: http://open.163.com/newview/movie/free?pid=MEL6UM632&mid=MEL6VHV71 ted-如何讲话才能让别人听进去:首先讲述不受欢迎的7种讲话方式,然后再给4个讲话的建议,最后带大家一起练习。 缺点: (1)gossip (2)judging (3)negativity (4)excuse (5)embroidery,exaggeration (6)dogmatism 建议HAIL (1)Honesty (2)Authenticity (3)Integrity (4)Love 声音建议:音区(低沉的声音)+音色+抑扬顿挫+语速 2019年12月3日 星期二 传送门: http://open.163.com/newview/movie


耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-05 11:39:04
Passion is not a job,a sport ,or a hobby,it is the full of force of your attention.and energy that you give to whatever is right in front of you .And if you're so busy looking for thsi passion,you could miss opportunities that change your life.so don't wait, Listen to my mother , just start doing, Because to live a life full of meaning and value. you don't follow your passion ,your passion follows you . 你不是要跟着你的热情走,而是你的热情会追随着你而来。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/kuangrenyufeng/p/11922825.html


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 16:18:22
--------------------------------------------------------- TED:Technology, Entertainment, Design # 技术、娱乐、设计 是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“传播一切值得传播的创意”。 ---------------------------------------------------------- - ANYONE Can Learn a Second Language in 6 MONTHS - The history of Human Progress is all about Expanding Limits - 5 Principles & 7 Actions - The 2 Things that Really Don't Matter - Talent - Immersion per se --------------------------------------------------------- 5 Principles of Rapid Language Acquisition - Meaning/Relevance/Attention/Memory - principle #1: Focus on language

Ted演讲 The secrets of learning a new language

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-01 23:25:14
第一次写这么多英文~~对照双语字幕整理的~~ 这是我很喜欢的一个演讲~~ 让我们一起学英文吧 l I love learning foreign languages. l In fact, I love it so much that I like to learn a new language every two years, currently working on my eighth one. l When people find that out about me, they always ask me,” How do you do that? What’s your secret? “ l And to be honest, for many years, my answer would be,” I don’t know. I simply love learning languages.” l But people were never happy with that answer. l They wanted to know why they are spending years trying to learn even one language, never achieving fluency, and here I come learning one


自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-30 12:46:32
I must say, that is my first time in Taiwan. Actually, that is my first time in Asia I'm really excited. I have only been here for two days but... Before I speak I have got somethings importances to say. This is ted, so they told me to be brief and to the point, concise. So I promise, I'll as brief as possible no matter how long it takes. I come from a conference that was held in Doha, Qatar at the international education resource network summit one of the most important conference in the work about education and I' ve done in a couple of other times. So successful running around the world


﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-11-30 10:09:01
简单实例:用 matlab 画分段函数 当 x<0 时 y=5*sin(x); 当 x>=0 且 x<=5 时 y=x^2; 当 x>5 时 y=(8-x)^2+16. x=-5:0.001:10; y=5*sin(x).*(x<0)+x.^2.*(x>=0 & x<=5)+((8-x).^2+16).*(x>5); plot(x,y); grid on; 应用:加减速仿真曲线绘制 T 形速度曲线变位过程 A=500000;V=100000;Tacc=0.2;Vs=0;S0=50000;S=200000;Td=0.5;Tdd=0.6;Tddd=0.7;Tdddd=1.05;Ted=1.25; t=0:0.0001:Ted; Vt=(Vs+A*t).*(t>=0 & t<Tacc)... +V.*(t>=Tacc & t<Td)... +(V-A*(t-Td)).*(t>=Td & t<Tdd)... +((V-A*(Tdd-Td))+A*(t-Tdd)).*(t>=Tdd & t<Tddd)... +V.*(t>=Tddd & t<Tdddd)... +(V-A*(t-Tdddd)).*(t>=Tdddd & t<=Ted); plot(t*1000,Vt/1000); axis([0 1.4*1000 0 120000/1000]) title('T形曲线变位过程');