

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-02-28 04:56:07
0. 前言 美团外卖自2013年创建以来,业务一直在高速发展,目前日订单量已突破3000万单,已成为美团点评最重要的业务之一。美团外卖所承载的业务,从早期单一的美食业务发展成为了外卖平台业务。目前除餐饮业务外,闪购、跑腿、闪付、营销、广告等产品形态的业务也陆续在外卖平台上线。参与到美团外卖平台的业务团队,也从早期的单一的外卖团队发展成为多业务团队。每个业务团队虽然都有不同的业务形态,但是几乎都有相同的诉求:需求能不能尽快地上线? 然而,Native应用的发布依赖于应用市场的更新,周期非常长,非常不利于产品的快速迭代、快速试错。同时,作为平台方,我们需要考虑到各个业务团队的诉求,统筹考虑如何建立怎么样的模型、配套什么样的技术手段,才能实现最佳的状态,满足各业务更短周期、高质量的交付业务的诉求。本文会首先回顾美团外卖从早期的月交付,逐渐演变成双周交付,再从双周交付演变成双周版本交付配合周动态交付的过程。然后从外卖的历史实践中,浅谈一个好的持续交付需要综合考虑哪些关键因素,希望对大家有所帮助或启发。 1. 交付模型 一个需求从产生到交付再到用户的手上,要经历需求调研、需求分析、程序设计、代码开发、测试、部署上线等多个环节。在整个过程中,由于涉及到不同角色的人员,而不同角色人员的认知存在差异,不同的程序语言存在差异,不同的开发方式也存在差异。在整个交付需求的过程中,还面临着需求可能会被变更

Use keras ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory() with Talos Scan()

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-21 18:31:18
问题 Talos is a module that allows you to do hyperparameter tuning on keras models you've already written code for. The conventional way it is used in examples is with the Scan class which is instantiated with x and y parameters. These parameters should contain an array with training data and labels respectively. def modelbuilder(x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, params): # modelbuilding out = model.fit(x_train, y_train) return model, out talos.Scan(x, y, params=params, model=modelbuilder) However

Use keras ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory() with Talos Scan()

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-04 09:16:01
Talos is a module that allows you to do hyperparameter tuning on keras models you've already written code for. The conventional way it is used in examples is with the Scan class which is instantiated with x and y parameters. These parameters should contain an array with training data and labels respectively. def modelbuilder(x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, params): # modelbuilding out = model.fit(x_train, y_train) return model, out talos.Scan(x, y, params=params, model=modelbuilder) However Keras provides a second way to import data with the ImageDataGenerator class, in stead of an array you