
Improvements to this bash script to simulate “tail --follow”

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-07 18:45:00
问题 I need to remote tail log files such that the tailing continues working even when the file is rolled over. My attempts to do so, started by directly using the tail command over ssh: ssh root@some-remote-host tail -1000f /some-directory/application.log | tee /c/local-directory/applicaiton.log That allows me to filter through /c/local-directory/applicaiton.log locally using Otroslogviewer (which was the original purpose of trying to tail the log file locally). The above stops tailing when the

Awk, pipe and tail -f giving unexpected behavior [duplicate]

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-07 12:27:22
问题 This question already has answers here : Piping tail output though grep twice (2 answers) Closed 10 months ago . Here is my sample log file.http://pastebin.com/DwWeFhJk. When I am doing tail -f log | awk '{if (NF>3) {print $1}; }' the result I am getting is correct But when I am doing: tail -f log | awk '{if (NF>3) {print $1}; }' | awk '{print $1}' I am not getting

How to follow a (changing) log file in node.js

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-07 10:31:24
问题 OK this might appear to be an easy question but I couldn't find the answer from here so I am posting it in hope someone might have encountered the similar problem. I need to monitor a symlink which points to a web server file ( /var/log/lighttpd/error.log to be more specific, thanks to Linus G Thiel I figured out how to follow symlinks). I know I can set up fs.fileWatch to monitor it but I should also point out that the error.log file also got rotated at a specific time, depending on whatever

Run tail -f for a specific time in bash script

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-07 09:44:14
问题 I need a script that will run a series of tail -f commands and output them into a file. What I need is for tail -f to run for a certain amount of time to grep specific words. The reason it's a certain amount of time is because some of these values don't show up right away as this is a live log. How can I run something like this for let's say 20 seconds, output the grep command and then continue on to the next command? tail -f /example/logs/auditlog | grep test Thanks 回答1: timeout 20 tail -f

Tail a text file on a web server via HTTP

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-07 03:25:21
问题 Looking for input on how to solve the following problem. My ColdFusion 9 app has a simple logger that writes text to a file. On my dev machine, the file is local so I can use either 'tail -f' or CFB's TailView to watch it. I'd like a tool to watch it when it's deployed on the production server. The catch: production is at a shared CF hosting provider which doesn't allow RDS file access or a directory-watcher gateway. I'm wondering about a page with a meta refresh tag or if I want to get more

What's the Solaris equivalent to the BSD's 'tail -n100'?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-06 21:08:24
问题 I've looked this up a thousand times, and I always forget it, so, here for eternity: Solaris has a bit of an awkward syntax for tail . How do I do the equivalent of BSD's tail -n N ? What I want are the last N lines from tail's input. 回答1: Just remove the "n" tail -100 回答2: Or you can use: /usr/xpg4/bin/tail which does behave like you want ( tail -n N ). xpg4 = Xopen Portability Guide Issue 4, contains binaries strictly compliant with several POSIX and other standards. The differences with

tail -f using PuTTY hangs

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-06 09:41:08
I am using PuTTY command line to connect to a server and tail a log file. On local machine I've created a file "tail-exec" which contains following text: tail -f /var/log/test.log I am starting putty through command line as: putty -ssh -t -pw -m tail-exec user@server This opens up the terminal window with log tail. But the problem is that this terminal hangs after there are few hundred lines added to the log. If I open putty manually, and then run the tail command from the bash prompt, then it is not hanging for thousands of lines also. I've tried using following text in tail-exec file, but

Unix to tail solution for waiting for a specific string or quitting after a timeout

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-06 08:34:08
I am trying to improve a service (daemon) script to display tomcat output (when run from a tty) until the application is effectively started. Tomcat apps can take up to 10 minutes to start and it's extremely useful to see what happens. Still, we need to be sure that this startup script will not run indefinitely if the startup confirmation message is failing to appear in the logs. I know that the internet is full of similar questions, but so far I wasn't able to identify a clear solution, especially one that works without requiring utilities that are not available by default. Requirements: run

Tail -n 1000 in Java (Apache commons, etc)

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-06 05:28:37
问题 I'm wondering if util code already exists to implement some/all of *NIX tail. I'd like to copy the last n lines of some file/reader to another file/reader, etc. 回答1: This seems like a good bet: Tailer Library. This implementation is based on it, but isn't the same. Neither implement a lookback to get the last 100 lines though. :( 回答2: You could take a look at this tail implementation in one of Heritrix's utility classes. I didn't write it but I wrote the code that uses it, works correctly as

Java read a logfile live

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-06 04:57:45
I'm writing a cod4 server controller in Java(I know there are perfectly fine server controllers out there, but I want to learn from it). Now I want to take specific actions according to entries in a logfile, this file is updated by cod very often, and the file can get quite large. Now how do I efficiently read only the part that has changed of the file, every second or so? Or is there a way to send everything that is changed in the logfile live to Java?(I read something about pipes). The server runs on linux. It's not needed that the logfile is still saved in the same location, since