
I would like to add a right-padding to a JTable column, is it possible?

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-10 14:29:49
问题 I want to add right cell-padding to a column in my JTable, how do I do it? I tried searching online but I can't seem to find a definitive answer for this. I hope someone can help me. Regards, Chad 回答1: Use a custom TableCellRenderer , and specify setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.RIGHT) . There's a related example here that illustrates JLabel.CENTER . Addendum: My problem is padding and not alignment . If you want the padding inside the cell, rather than between cells, you can use a border in the

Reduce number of getTableCellRendererComponent calls

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-10 13:58:12
问题 I am using a custom cell renderer that implements TableCellRenderer and displays JTextArea (instead of JLabel) for each row. I am basically overriding getTableCellRendererComponent(...) method with mine which does some additional calculations per row. These calculations have to be done just once per table update. Since getTableCellRendererComponent method is being called with every mouse move, lag occurs. So I thought I should prevent getTableCellRendererComponent from being called to avoid

JXTable: use a TableCellEditor and TableCellRenderer for a specific cell instead of the whole column

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-10 10:43:51
问题 I have a JXTable compound of 6 columns and two of them are JCheckBox . I would like to have the following behavior: If the first checkbox is checked, the second checkbox is enabled and can be checked or not. If the first checkbox is unchecked, the second must be disabled and unchecked. I edited an image with Photoshop to show the desired result: For the CheckOne and CheckTwo columns i use a custom TableCellEditor and TableCellRenderer : public class CheckBoxCellEditor extends

Using TableCellRenderer and getColumnClass together

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-09 03:44:39
问题 when i add getcolumn class to my abstracttablemodel, i couldnt use my custom TableCellRenderer to set background color. (i use this for sorting,alignment numeric columns) public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) { Object o = getValueAt(0, columnIndex); if (o == null) { return Object.class; } else { return o.getClass(); } } This is full of my code. import java.awt.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.*; import static javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE; import javax.swing

Setting jCheckBox invisible in jTable

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-08 05:44:50
问题 I have a jTable with two columns.First column is set as Boolean(for checkbox) and second column has String value.As I am using Netbeans ,checkbox got added into all rows of first column. I tried to add it only for those rows which have value in the second column. I used the code for trying that, private class CustomCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer#getTableCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JTable, java.lang

Using TreeTable with different root and node types

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-07 18:37:26
问题 I have the following problem: I want to have a JTeeTable-like table component except that the roots (classes below) and the nodes of the tree are not of the same type. For instance, suppose that I have the following classes: public final class Entry { private int id; private String title; private String notes; private List<SubEntry> subEntryList; /** @see SubEntry*/ } public final class SubEntry{ private int id; private String title; private String notes; } Although these two class look

JTable setCellRenderer to format a text field to date?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-07 15:20:31
问题 I have a SQLite database with a date stored as VARCHAR (yyyy-mm-dd), for example '2013-01-25' . My query retrieves the records from the table and displays it as stored. I need to display the VARCHAR data in my JTable as 'Friday January 25, 2013'. I suspect using setCellRenderer for the column containing the VARCHAR is the way to go. Further, I think it will be a two step process: first, converting the VARCHAR to a date value then formatting the date as desired. I can do so as follows if I

Java JTable disable single cell selection border highlight

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-07 07:07:04
问题 I have a JTable with three columns in each row, see the image: For some reason depending on the column i select i get the little dark blue border around it (V140116554) in the image above. I currently use this to select the entire row: vTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(true); How can i disable this? EDIT: Added a class: public class VisitorRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean

Java JTable sort with TableCellRenderer

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-07 05:44:28
I'm somewhat new to Java and I'm having problems with JTable with sort and TableCellRenderer . I have a table with 15 columns populated with values where on some columns I use the TableCellRenderer to change the color of foreground to green or red acording the values on the cell. Everything is working perfectly until I try to sort by some column (the sorting part is ok)... The problem is that the formating colors don't reflect the change made by the sort operation. The colors stay unchanged at their original position on the table before the sort. Is there a simple way to overcome this problem?

How do I add an empty row to JTable?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-06 09:05:30
问题 is there any way to an add empty row to jtable, where the first column is boolean, so it won't display the auto-generated checkbox? I need it to separate groups of rows. I tried using the code below, but it is NOT working: model.addRow(new Object[]{null,null,null,null}); 回答1: I want make some rows completely empty so they work as separators. But in rest I would like to keep checkboxes Instead of storing Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE in the model you would need to store null. Then you have two