
Array calculation in Tableau, maxif routine

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-08 09:05:07
问题 I'm fairly new to Tableau, and I'm struggling in building some routines that could be easily implemented in Excel (though it would take forever for big sets of data). So here is the deal, consider a dataset with the following fields: int [id_order] -> id of the sales order (deepest level, there are only unique entries of id_order) int [id_client] -> as I want to know who bought it date [purchase_date] -> when the customer bought the product What I want to know is, for each order, when was the

Connecting from Tableau Desktop to Apache Hive

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-08 08:07:52
问题 When testing the connection from Tableau Desktop to Apache Hive Server, it throws an error that the drivers have not be installed. Tableau is providing drivers for only Cloudera, HortonWorks and MapR. But, the drivers are not provided for Apache Hive. How to connect to from Tableau Desktop to Apache Hive? 回答1: I got it working using the MapR driver. Reference 来源: https:/

SQL Help: How come the total from this query is different that a summation query?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-08 08:04:14
问题 This query does a group by on lead_source_id: SELECT ch.lead_source_id, Count(DISTINCT ch.repurchased_date) FROM customers_history ch WHERE ch.repurchased_date >= '2014-04-01' AND ch.repurchased_date < '2014-05-01' AND ch.lead_source_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ch.lead_source_id; And this query totals the records in the table: SELECT Count(DISTINCT( repurchased_date )) FROM customers_history INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT( customer_id ) AS xcid FROM customers_history WHERE repurchased_date >= '2014

How to put a filter to show latest two dates in Tableau?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-08 06:40:15
问题 I am trying to put a filter in Tableau which automatically shows data for last two days. I tried using Dense rank (which works in SQL) but in Tableau I can't figure out which aggregator function to use with it. How can I put a filter to show latest two dates in Tableau? 回答1: Filtering based upon the most recent dates is generally easily done by: Right click and dragging the date field to the filter shelf Select "Individual Dates" From the filter dialog, choose "Top" and "By field" Select "Top

Create a new column by picking non-null values from 3 different columns in Tableau

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-08 04:32:23
问题 I have outer-joined 3 data sources - Sales, Cost, Price details to make sure I don't miss any rows from either of data sources. A sample of my case looks as below: As per above image, after outer joining I find Cost and Price info for Brand E but there is no sale of Brand E as a reason Brand column from Sales data appears null against Brand 'E' at both Cost and Price details. I want to create a new column called 'Brand_New' where all Brand from A to D as in Sales should get populated also

How to access tableau server without login

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-07 12:43:23
问题 I am new to tableau and I want to integrate tableau server in our application through Iframe, I am passing HTTP URL with authentication details like username and password but whenever I am accessing tableau it is asking for username and password.So please suggest me that how i can access tableau without redirecting to login page. 回答1: According to the Tableau community you can't do this through the URL: There is no built-in mechanism to pass a username/password on the URL as doing so gives

ARTS 打卡第一周

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-07 11:40:45
Algorithm 初识leetcode网站,是参加了覃超的《算法训练营》的小课训练。视频中,覃老师在课堂上介绍了“五毒神掌”的算法学习方法: 1.先花5-10分钟读题,然后去思考答案。如果暂时没思路,不要紧,直接看题解。 2.自行题解。使用多种方法尝试,直到速度优化到最佳。 3.看leetcode中前三的解法。 4.一周后重新解题。 5.较长时间后(如面试前)重新解题。 本次Leetcode题目是:给定一个整数,将其转为罗马数字。输入确保在 1 到 3999 的范围内。 链接: 解题思路: 1.枚举法 将所有可能的情况列出:将4位整数拆分成 个十百千,然后分别找对应的数字即可。 public String intToRoman(int num) { String [] one = {"I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX","X"}; String [] two = {"X","XX","XXX","XL","L","LX","LXX","LXXX","XC","C"}; String [] three ={"C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM","M"}; String []


最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-07 05:42:29
Tableau考试经验分享 为什么要考Tableau QA证书? 对正在备考的小伙伴 对马上就要参加考试的小伙伴 考试环境 网络环境 考试流程 考题难度 我遇到的问题 彩蛋:真题回忆 为什么要考Tableau QA证书? 先简单介绍一下我的背景。本命理科,本科工科,硕士文科。深怀一颗热忱的技术之心,却在电视媒体行业打拼多年。目前坐标北京。 2018年3月份的时候我第一次接触到Tableau,开始对商业数据分析和数据可视化产生了浓厚的兴趣。后来参加过一个线下2天+线上8周的培训营,对软件的应用和数据分析领域有了一个快速的启蒙了解。10月中旬萌生了考取Tableau Qualified Associate (现在更名为Tableau Certified Associate) 的想法。经过四周(几乎脱产)对考试的集中准备,在11月底参加了认证考试,顺利获得了资格证书。 我决定参加Tableau认证考试,主要是出于两点考虑: 首先,我希望加强自己在数据可视化方面的背景,增加职场的竞争力。Tableau的QA认证证书含金量比较高,在行业内有一定的知名度,本身官方也非常鼓励大家参加认证考试。获得了Qualified Associate资格证书以后,虽然仍然需要不断的学习和更加熟练的使用,但是它可以使我在提起这项技能时更有自信。 其次,我决定考试也是想给自己一点学习的动力和压力

how to generate pseudo random numbers and row-count in Tableau

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-07 05:02:38
问题 How to generate pseudo random numbers and row-counts in Tableau? I didn't find any built-in functions (like 'RAND', 'RCOUNT'). 回答1: Edit: Just learned that there is a Random() function in Tableau. It is not in the library but if you use it anyway, it will tell you that the formula is valid and create a value between 0 and 1. Original and still valid answer in case you want to use officially supported functions: Since Tableau is used to create graphs based on your data, there is usually little

Connect two data sources together without Join in Tableau

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-07 01:12:19
问题 I have two data sources in tableau (A and B). The relationship is 1:n. Table A (main Table) with columns ID (Primary Key), Field 1, Field 2... . Table B with columns ID (not PK), Field X, Field Y. I want to use table B for filtering by Field X and Field Y and then in a related sheet plot data from table A with the filter that in SQL would be equivalent to WHERE A.ID IN (SELECT B.ID FROM TableB B) where the Table B would already be filtered by the values of Field X and Field Y. After some