
Get system information(CPU speed-Total RAM-Graphic Card model etc.) under Windows

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-03 13:23:19
问题 I searched a lot but couldn't find anything useful. Is this possible to get system information like; CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @3.5Ghz RAM: 8GB Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 under Windows? How can I reach this output? Edit: platform.processor() is not giving the output that I want. So that is useless for me. 回答1: I've been wondering how to do this myself for a while now, so I dug around a bit and came up with this solution using wmi (which requires pywin32 ). Of course, it goes

Get system information(CPU speed-Total RAM-Graphic Card model etc.) under Windows

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-03 03:28:42
I searched a lot but couldn't find anything useful. Is this possible to get system information like; CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @3.5Ghz RAM: 8GB Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 under Windows? How can I reach this output? Edit: platform.processor() is not giving the output that I want. So that is useless for me. HEADLESS_0NE I've been wondering how to do this myself for a while now, so I dug around a bit and came up with this solution using wmi (which requires pywin32 ). Of course, it goes without saying, this only works on Windows machines (and the question has the Windows tag). import

How to get the system info with Python?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 02:44:10
问题 I need to get the info under what environment the software is running. Does python have a library for this purpose? I want to know the following info. OS name/version Name of the CPU, clock speed Number of CPU core Size of memory 回答1: some of these could be obtained from the platform module: >>> import platform >>> platform.machine() 'x86' >>> platform.version() '5.1.2600' >>> platform.platform() 'Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP2' >>> platform.uname() ('Windows', 'name', 'XP', '5.1.2600', 'x86', 'x86

How to get software & hardware information from windows (like dxdiag)?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-01 09:47:38
I need to get hardware and software information of Windows like the information we got from dxdiag Computer module : TOSHIBA l775 Processor : Intel(R) i5 CPU M480 @2.67Ghz .. RAM : 4.00 GB Graphic Card : ATI Mobility Radeion HD 5650 - 2746MB Direct Draw : Enabled DirectX : DirectX 11 Enabled AGP Texture : Enabled I need this because I'm developing a server-client application so I can get remote PC details. I've already googled for some of them, but it looks like each one is clearly different from the other one. I'm also not sure if it would work on any computer on Windows. So is there a way to

How to get software & hardware information from windows (like dxdiag)?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-01 07:33:58
问题 I need to get hardware and software information of Windows like the information we got from dxdiag Computer module : TOSHIBA l775 Processor : Intel(R) i5 CPU M480 @2.67Ghz .. RAM : 4.00 GB Graphic Card : ATI Mobility Radeion HD 5650 - 2746MB Direct Draw : Enabled DirectX : DirectX 11 Enabled AGP Texture : Enabled I need this because I'm developing a server-client application so I can get remote PC details. I've already googled for some of them, but it looks like each one is clearly different

Get System Information of a Remote Machine (Using Java)

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-29 16:05:36
As the question's title says, I want to get the system information (like OS name, version, etc.) of a remote system using Java. But before anyone answers this question, I just want to ask whether this is possible, if yes, then how? One more catch is that this should work for both Unix-based and Windows-based systems. I tried searching the Internet, but drew a blank (almost). EDIT: The Java app will be a desktop app, and it will have to credentials to be able to log onto the remote system, but there will be no HTTP/RMI that'll be used. You need to clarify what you mean by "remote system" in

Windows Batch System Info to HTML

安稳与你 提交于 2019-11-28 12:57:41
I am trying to create a batch file that will use the systeminfo command to put things such as the OS, domain currently logged onto, manufacture, computer model, etc. into an HTML table. This is the contents of my current batch file: @echo off systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" /C:"OS Manufacturer" /C:"OS Configuration" /C:"OS Build Type" /C:"Original Install Date" /C:"System Boot Time" /C:"System Manufacturer" /C:"System Model" /C:"System Type" /C:"Processor(s)" /C:"BIOS Version" /C:"Windows Directory" /C:"System Directory" /C:"Boot Device" /C:"System Locale" /C:"Input Locale

Get System Information of a Remote Machine (Using Java)

我的梦境 提交于 2019-11-28 10:18:44
问题 As the question's title says, I want to get the system information (like OS name, version, etc.) of a remote system using Java. But before anyone answers this question, I just want to ask whether this is possible, if yes, then how? One more catch is that this should work for both Unix-based and Windows-based systems. I tried searching the Internet, but drew a blank (almost). EDIT: The Java app will be a desktop app, and it will have to credentials to be able to log onto the remote system, but

How can I get system/hardware info via Java? [duplicate]

我的梦境 提交于 2019-11-27 18:49:35
This question already has an answer here: get OS-level system information 15 answers I need to get system and hardware info via a Java application. I'm interested in: Os details; Processors count, names, processor load in percents; Memory status (total/free); Os process (threads) count and CPU/Memory usage for each of them; Network statistic (for each interface); Is there a Java library that can do this? Rachel Using Java to get os level system Information will get you started in right direction. Finding Operating System Information How to get System Information using Java i have used SIGAR

How to get CPU usage and RAM usage without exec?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-11-26 21:51:32
How does VBulletin get the system information without the use of exec ? Is there any other information I can get about the server without exec? I am interested in: bandwidth used system type CPU speed/usage/count RAM usage Use PHPSysInfo library phpSysInfo is a open source PHP script that displays information about the host being accessed. It will displays things like: Uptime CPU Memory SCSI, IDE, PCI Ethernet Floppy Video Information It directly parsed parses /proc and does not use exec . Another way is to use Linfo . It is a very fast cross-platform php script that describes the host server